Occupational Health and Safety
Essay by michelle lee • April 19, 2018 • Course Note • 1,943 Words (8 Pages) • 1,291 Views
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What is Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)?
- Concerned with the organisation’s responsibility in relation to providing a healthy and safe work environment.
Key Features
- Encompasses both physical and psychological aspects of health and safety.
- Mainly concerned with health and safety of workers, but also other parties (e.g., customers, visitors)
- Based on doing what is ‘reasonably practicable’ to ensure highest levels of health and safety
Deaths and injuries in the Workplace
- Approximately 2900 work-related deaths and 650000 injuries in Australia every year.
- Annual economic loss of approximately $34 billion.
- Major injury causes:
- Mechanical failure, Being hit by a moving object, Harm by chemicals, Falls, trips and slips, Heat, radiation and electricity, Vehicle accidents
Importance of OHS
- Ensures that the organisation meets its responsibility to workers.
- Improves employee outcomes (e.g., commitment, morale).
- Makes the organisation more attractive to applicants.
- Reduces costs (e.g., insurance claims, absenteeism).
- Improves productivity.
- Meets legal requirements
OHS Strategies
- Obstructionist (economic)
- Based on economic considerations only
- Emphasis is on minimising costs and social responsibility
- Defensive (economic and legal)
- Based on economic and legal considerations
- Do the minimum required by law and not more
- Accommodative (economic, legal, ethical)
- Based on economic, legal and ethical considerations
- Do what is required to meet legal obligations and to be perceived as ethical
- Proactive (economic, legal, ethical, discretionary)
- Involves going beyond economic, legal and ethical considerations through discretionary actions that reinforce the company as a good corporate citizen
Regulation of OHS
- In Australia OHS activities are governed by legislation.
- This involves OHS Acts that involve broad duties and that are accompanied by Codes of Practice and regulations that address particular risks.
- Traditionally legislation has been state-based but this has created inconsistencies between states and added to complexities for organisations in multiple jurisdictions.
- Currently the new Work Health and Safety Act is being implemented as a uniform set of OHS laws across most states.
- Features of the new Act:
- Organisations have to ensure workplace safety for all types of workers engaged in organisational activities and other affected people.
- Workers are obliged to undertake reasonable care for themselves and others, and to cooperate with reasonable organisational instructions.
- Enforcement through a process of inspection, investigation, education and prosecution.
- Maximum fines of $3 million and custodial sentences for serious breaches.
- Safe Work Australia
- Is an independent statutory agency set up in 2009 to replace the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC).
- Responsible for improving work health and safety and worker’s compensation arrangements across Australia
- Functions include developing national OHS policy, preparing and monitoring adoption of Acts and Codes, and conducting and publishing OHS research.
Current health and safety issues
- Fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers→ offer family-sensitive rosters.
- Terrorism
- Sexual harassment
- Smoking
- Substance abuse
- Obesity
- Depression
- Homebased workers
- Workplace violence
- Domestic violence
- Workplace bullying (but some are playing the system for psychological injury compensation).
- Work-family conflict.
Workplace Hazards
- Workplace hazards are factors that expose individuals to possible injury or illness at work. Harm is the potential outcomes associated with the hazard.
- Physical hazards (e.g., heat, radiation, noise)
- Chemical hazards (e.g., asbestos)
- Ergonomic hazards (e.g., repetitive tasks, long hours)
- Psychsocial issues (e.g., bullying, harassment)
Risk Assessment
- Risk refers to the probability that the hazard will lead to harm and the severity of the consequences of the harm.
- Risk assessment involves:
- Identifying hazards
- Assessing likelihood and consequence of harm
- Deciding whether hazard can be eliminated
- Controlling hazard so that it doesn’t result in harm
- Risk assessment should be conducted regularly, especially after workplace change.
- Trained assessors are more likely to notice hazards and are better at estimating risk.
Risk Controls
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
- Protective equipment
OHS Management Systems
- A systematic approach to managing health and safety that is comprised of three elements:
- Organisation, responsibility and accountability
- Consultative arrangements
- Specific program elements
- Responsibility and accountability is shared among employees and managers (HR, line, senior and executive).
- Consultative arrangements are in place that involve OHS representatives and committees and that support employee participation.
- Specific OHS program elements include:
- Health and safety rules and procedures
- Training programs
- Workplace inspections
- Incident reporting and investigation
- Data collection and analysis/record keeping
- OHS promotion and information provision
- Emergency procedures
Positive Safety Culture
- Positive safety culture refers to values, attitudes and beliefs in relation to safety that are shared by an organisation’s members and that reflect a commitment to promoting safety.
- Key aspects:
- OHS management systems
- Management commitment to safety
- Active employee involvement
- Information systems that monitor and evaluate OHS performance
Evaluating OHS Performance
- Three types of measures include outcome, input and process measures .
- Outcome measures
- Assess OHS outcomes such as lost time, near misses, and compensation claims and costs
- Example: Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
- LTIFR = # of injuries * 1000000/# of hrs worked in accounting period
- If 100 workers worked for 500 hours each and there were 4 accidents then LTIFR = (4*1000000)/(100*500) = 80 injuries per million work hours.
- Outcome measures are often included in annual reports and provide a general indication of OHS effectiveness.
- Input measures
- Assess the input of stakeholders and other inputs into OHS – Include measures such as senior management written commitments, OHS reports to the board, resource expenditure on OHS, and the numbers and qualifications of OHS specialist staff.
- Process measures
- Assess the extent to which OHS management is being implemented.
- Focus on factors such as risk management (e.g., % of reported incidents investigated), participation (e.g., % of staff with adequate OHS training), monitoring and review (e.g., % of OHS systems audit recommendations implemented).
Employee Stress
- Refers to a process by which an individual responds to the demands and pressures of the workplace.
- Stress is caused by stressors – the stimuli and circumstances that initiate the stress process.
- Exposure to the stressor leads to changes in the person:
- Physiological: Rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, dry mouth
- Psychological: Feelings of tension, nervousness, anxiety
- Stress by itself is not necessarily bad, but excessive stress or stress over a long period can result in health problems.
Work-Related Sources of Stress
- Job-specific factors
- Workload (Burnout: state of mental exhaustion vs. rust out vs. shift work)
- Shiftwork
- Role ambiguity
- Interpersonal relationships at work
- Poor relationships with superiors, subordinates and peers
- Especially problematic in highly political organisations
- Workplace bullying and harassment
- Physical environment
- Excessive noise
- Lighting
- Temperature
- Crowding and lack of privacy
- Organisational change
- Change can cause uncertainty, require adaptation to new situations, and increase job insecurity
- Types of change that induce uncertainty include takeovers and mergers, downsizing, and new technology
Personal Characteristics and Stress
- Not all individuals are equally susceptible to stress; personality can influence how an individual reacts to stressors.
- ‘Big Five’ Personality Factors
- Individuals who score higher on Neuroticism are more vulnerable to stress than individuals who score low on Neuroticism.
- Type A and Type B Personality Types
- Type A: Competitive, time-conscious, impatient, perfectionist
- Type B: Easy-going, relaxed, patient
- Type A more likely to be stressed and create stress in others; also more susceptible to coronary heart disease than Type B.
External Factors:
- Economic conditions
- Government laws and regulations
- Travel
- Community values
- Crime
Consequences of Stress
- Performance: Curvilinear relationship between stress and performance.
- Job attitudes: Stress is associated with greater job dissatisfaction
- Burnout: Over time stress leads to emotional exhaustion, cynicism and lower professional efficacy
- Physical effects: Stress is associated with both minor ailments (e.g., flu, migraine, back pain) and serious illness (e.g., hypertension, heart disease).
- Behavioural effects: Stress is associated with aggression, substance abuse and withdrawal.
Stress Management Techniques
- Stressor reduction (primary intervention)
- Reduce or eliminate factor causing stress (e.g., less workload, more support)
- Effective but can be costly and impractical
- Stress management training (secondary intervention)
- Change the way the person reacts to the stressor
- Cognitive-behavioural methods focus on changing beliefs about the situation
- Relaxation methods focus on modifying emotional response to the situation
- May also focus on other strategies (e.g., Exercise, diet, talk, planning and time management)
- Employee assistance programs (tertiary intervention)
- Focus on treating and rehabilitating employees who are experiencing stress
Current Issues on OHS
- Workplace bullying
- Refers to repeated unreasonable behaviours that create a hostile work environment.
- Can take many forms: Verbal humiliation, physical assault, making, setting impossible work targets, unreasonable demands, intrusive surveillance, etc.
- Can be done by one person or by a group; typically involves someone higher up as the bully (e.g., supervisor) can occur anywhere in the organisation.
- Factors that precipitate bullying include organisational cultures that emphasise conformity, jobs that have high levels of role ambiguity and role conflict along with low employee control, and authoritarian or laissez- faire leadership styles.
- Strategies for dealing with and preventing bullying include having a workplace bullying policy, having a system for handling complaints, training to increase awareness and implications of bullying, taking disciplinary actions against individuals/groups who engage in bullying.
- Workplace violence
- Workplace violence is a prevalent issue in Australia, especially in the health, welfare, restaurant, education, retail, and road and rail transport industries.
- More recently, workplace homicides due to disgruntled workers have increased, especially in the U.S.
- Violence is precipitated by unfair treatment and an organisational culture that accepts aggressive behaviour.
- Workplace violence can be addressed through selection procedures
- (e.g., reference checks), training managers to detect signs of violence
- (e.g., verbal threats, frustration), HR policies, systems through which employees can report threats, and increased security
optimum stimulation =stress (high performance)
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