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Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Essay by   •  April 30, 2017  •  Essay  •  768 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,354 Views

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 Subject: Academic Writing and Research

 Lecturer: Mrs. Reijeli Caucau

 Assignment/Title: Research Essay

 Number of words:

                  Student: Langoia Nisa

I certify that this assignment is my own work, that it is based on my personal study or research and that I have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this assignment.  I also certify that the assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment, and that I have not copied in part, or whole, or otherwise plagiarized the work of other students or other persons.

 Signed: ………Langoia Nisa…………         Date: …………27.03.2017…………..



Topic: My Culture

Sub Topic: The Ta’ovala


  • Introduction.

  • Explain or a brief definition of what I will talk about

  • My knowledge about the Ta’ovala (explain)
  1. Importance
  1. Uses
  1. Significance
  • Body
  • Importance
  1. How did this craft created to be valued?
  1. Why it was invented?
  • Uses
  1. How long has it been used?
  1. And Why?
  • Significance
  1. Why?
  • Conclusion
  • Summing up and what I’ve learned


        All cultures throughout the world, has a significance interest from how it was invented to be. Tonga of the Pacific Island, sorted out the interest of respecting their gods and materials especially their wearing’s, “Ta’ovala”. In this passage, I will explain the importance, uses, and significance of the Tongan wearing’s Ta’ovala.

        Importance: - First, we humans bring the idea of respect to show the importance of keeping relationship between chiefs and people. In Tonga, they came up with the idea of this handmade craft to cover themselves from being naked and to respect the others especially the chiefs. This craft was invented by the sailors that were hit by a storm at sea while they were fishing, and had their clothes torn badly. They had to tear off the sheet of their canoe to cover themselves for they will enter the Kings sight. This started from that day they entered and this King really appreciated and admired the humble sacrifice that this fisherman did to show their respect in reaction to the most important people like him.



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