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Nagar Panchayat Hospital

Essay by   •  October 2, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  1,314 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,103 Views

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Nagar Panchayat Hospital


* Nagar panchayat hospital is under local civic administration.

* The CMO was overall in charge of the hospital, he did not have powers to make any policy decisions including decisions such as raising the fee, buying equipment or making fresh recruit¬ment.

* Number of patients has increased to 12000 to 25000.

* Staff approval and appointments was made through the state machinery.

* Donations went into the general pool of panchayat.

* Discouraging cash dona¬tions.

* Danger of diversion of the money

* Panchayat did not want to take up complicated job.

* Panchayat had made significant investments but not in health sector.

Problems from Dr. Balchandrans point of view

* Burden of the entire department on 1 doctor.

* Very less staff.

* Increasing number of patients.

* Increase in waiting time.

* Laid back approach of the panchayat towards the health sector.

* Panchayat more concentrated on other divisions

Problems from panchayats point of view

* The CMO never even approached the Panchayat.

Central problem

* Whether the hospital be made an autonomous body or no?


* The CMO and the members of panchayat didn't maintain a good relationship. This is said because the CMO was always reluctant to speak with the member of panchayat.

From CMO's point o view


1) Hospital should not be made complete autonomous body but there is a possibility to make it semi government.

a) Some decision making powers of hospitals should be given to the CMO.

b) Donation which the hospital gets should not go to the general pool of panchayat.

c) Regular meetings.


1) The hospital should not be complete autonomous body but infract should be semi government. There are many organization in India which are semi government but the general prople consider it as government body only. The same should happen with the panchayat hospital. If this takes place the following things should be taken care off.

a) If the decision making power like recruitment, donations, salary structure is given to the CMO it will be pretty easy for him to get new staff in the hospital, rising up of more funds without fear.

 As the hospital is for the betterment of the people, it is necessary to make improvement in the hospital by providing necessary facilities within the funds the hospital generate.

If some decision making power is given to the CMO

 Appointing more staff will help Dr Bhalchandran to concentrate on other issues and also the hospital staff who are doing multi tasking and this will definitely improve the productivity

 The staff will concentrate on their own specific duties.These will help the CMO to introduce KPI in the hospital for various designation. If these KPI's are set this will automatically help to reduce waiting time o the patient and the staff will perform in better way.

 Help the hospital to provide better facility to the people of the village.

As it is also mentioned in the case that the basic nature of the hospital is more of the responsibility so to perform those responsibility in the best possible way there should be uninterrupted performance of duties.

b) The donation which the hospital receive should not go to general pool of should be ploughed back in the hospital for providing better facility. As the hospital is becoming a profit centre and as the hospital is a part of the panchayat some portion of the hospital should be given to the hospital. The panchayat and the management together should decide on certain percentage which should be donated to the panchayat by the hospital. But the major portion of the donation should be with the hospital. As it is mentioned in the case the doctor encourage more of the donations of machinery and equipment the doctor can also continue in the same manner.

c) Regular meetings should be held between the panchayat and the hospital management this will help in proper flow of communication and will in turn help to take feasible decision regarding the donations the hospital, account and other problems which are there and might occur in future. The meeting should be held at regular interval so this will fill up the communication gap. This meetings will help to understand each other problems.

If the hospital is made semi



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