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My Neighbors

Essay by   •  December 6, 2017  •  Essay  •  667 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,317 Views

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My Neighbors

        Living in a low-income neighborhood has changed my view of expectations for life. The events that have happened in neighborhoods can affect the way a person thinks of his or hers safety. Being surrounded by friendly people in the day while at night their is robbers and drug addicts roaming around the street getting ideas on what steal to get a profit out of it.

         The scariest event I have encountered has been in July 8,2017, and it took place at 2 a.m. outside my house. I was asleep and noises of people yelling woke me up. As I looked outside to see what was happening, I noticed the dark sky. Apparently it was my neighbor that had a variety of friends over. They all looked in their late teens but no passable to the age on eighteen.

        My neighbor’s parents recently got a divorce and as an outcome he started selling drugs. He first started selling his mother’s prescribed pill for depression, and from there he now sells drugs and bars (anti-depressants).

         The They were under the consume of drugs. They kept yelling and enjoy their time when suddenly a gray Mustang and a black Camaro entered the street at full velocity. Both cars stopped at the same time and were parallel perfectly. All of the sudden, all the doors open and there is a person on each door.

        They started yelling at my neighbor telling him to pay and to apologies to what he did to a girl named “Ana.” I was in shock as I hide through my curtains; I could see the furiousness in all their faces. After, my neighbor backing up and almost running away. One of the guys yelled “let’s go, their coming.” My first thought was that one of my other neighbors called the police, but I was wrong. Another car entered my street at full velocity also and music on blast. Two armed guys got off and stared at my neighbor intensely that it made me feel nervous. As this happened, I was scared because if there was a shoot down, I would of gotten hit due to me being in the one sleeping in the very front of the house.

        As the events were taking place all of the sudden the girl came out of the second car that entered and went up to my neighbor’s face and spit on him. As she spit she showed that she has power to make someone feel not respected.

         As time was ticking, they all got back into their cars and drove off with music super loud and at full velocity again. After that moment, all those kids that were at my neighbors house left within ten minutes.

        The night carried itself, and the two cars re-entered my street as they first had done so, music on full blast and fast speed, but only this time they didn’t get off they only return to and empty house with no sign of the kids that were there and exceptionally not a sign of my neighbor either.



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