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My Favorite Color Is Navy Blue

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My Favorite Color

ENGL-112-70838: Composition

My Favorite Color

It is said that music can calm the savaged beast. Did you know that a particular shade of the color blue can relax the human nervous system? My favorite color is Navy Blue and has been my favorite for the greater part of my life. It is rich with history, and has meaning.

Navy Blue is a very dark shade of the color blue which almost looks black to the naked eye. The first recorded use of the term Navy blue as a color name in the English language was in 1840. The name is comprised of the words navy and blue; Navy being used as early as the 14th century describing a 'fleet of ships' and the actual color blue. The original name for this dark shade of blue was "marine blue", but quickly changed to navy blue thanks in part to the uniform worn by officers in the British Royale Navy dating back to 1748.

Navy Blue has been my favorite color for quite some time, as far back as I can remember. Being very young (and impressionable), I remember sitting and talking about my favorite color being red at that time and being told that dark blue (or Navy Blue) symbolized confidence and power (I was also told this about the color "money green'). He also mentioned navy blue represented intelligence and stability. It might have been the way he pumped his fist and tightened his muscles as he said the word "power" that got my attention, but at that very moment my view on the color red faded as I thought about power, intelligence and confidence. If I can wear dark blue, then I can walk with my head held high. I have come to know that many of my favorite sport teams like the St. Louis Rams, Tennessee Titans, Atlanta Hawks, and NY Yankees have the dark Navy blue within their uniforms. Looking back at it I guess this was something that imbedded itself within my subconscious as evident by me joining the U.S. Navy many years later to serve and wear the Navy Blue Uniform for a 20 year career. Even now, as I have transitioned back into civilian life, I ended up working for a company with the word blue in its title; JetBlue Airways.

Today I do not boast or speak about my favorite color too often. I rather just show it in the clothes I wear or the color of material items I buy. I believe that 70% of my clothes, my watches, as well as the car I drive, have some hint of navy blue. Over the years each of my children has come to ask this same question of me; daddy, what's your favorite color? I think it's a right of passion of children. All but one has gone on to love another color, all while navy blue is still my favorite.

As you can see the color navy blue has had a profound effect on my life. It's rich history in the military, representing some of my



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