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Mumbai Dabbawalas Extension

Essay by   •  September 6, 2016  •  Essay  •  362 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,488 Views

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3.  A consultant wants to move the dabbawala system into the twenty-first century and proposes several changes. How should Raghunath Medge respond

3.a Stop the consultant immediately.

3.b. Make changes to the system. Please list specific examples of what you would change. 

Sol. If I were Raghunath Medge, I would have stopped the consultant from changing the dabbawala system. Dabbawalas had been doing very well without any change in their traditional methods. Any changes in their method of delivery may result in decreasing performance of the dabbawalas. And even use of any new technology will add to their cost and may reduce their margin. However, there are changes that could be made to the existing system but each has a barrier attached to it.

Dabbawala could shift from cycles to motor vehicles. Buying a high mileage motor vehicle may add to the cost of the dabbawalas but it may also help in reducing their time of delivery in several areas. Thus the dabbawalas in such case could serve more customers in the same period of time. This will help them in solving their problem of increased cost due to purchase of motor vehicles.

Marketing dabbawalas through online channels or through website may not be much beneficial in acquiring new customers. This may only add to the cost. However marketing through posters will be helpful for the customers seeking the service of the dabbawalas to easily contact them.

Currently dabbawalas are only transporting lunch boxes to the destination. Dabbawalas can also start the delivery of daily need items such as milk, fruits, vegetables etc. which can help them in earning more. Sms service can be used to receive orders for the same and can be delivered at the time of collection/delivery of lunch boxes from the houses.

Dabbawalas should now expand beyond Mumbai. Delhi is the best option available for this purpose. Metro is widely spread across Delhi and can be used as a medium for delivering the lunchboxes. For this the Dabbawalas will have to come out of their comfort zone, which is necessary, and recruit outsiders. This may also require for them to collaborate or hire educated managers to manage new recruits of different cultures.



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