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Movie Review - the Devil Wears Prada

Essay by   •  November 6, 2016  •  Coursework  •  4,162 Words (17 Pages)  •  2,600 Views

Essay Preview: Movie Review - the Devil Wears Prada

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Movie Review

The Devil Wears Prada

Prepared by:

Atiqah Izdihar Binti Mokhtar 2012613822

Hazloria Jaiti 2010793277

Janub Bin Bahanda 2012734271

Jordan Sufie Bin Rusdik 2011163961

Mohammad Raimi Bin Ramlan 2012211244

Mohd Syukri Bin Ali Omar 2012460744

Sharkawi Bin Sappari 2011697009

Viola Savia Justine 2012658386

Prepared for:

Mr. Tony Paridi Bagang



Table of Contents

1.0        Movie Synopsis        

Write a short synopsis of the movie. (10 Marks)        

2.0        Movie Issues and Problems        

Identify any FOUR (4) issues/ problems revealed in the movie. (20 Marks)        

3.0        Issues and Problems Related To OB Chapters        

Explain how the issues/problems identified revealed in the movie.        

(30 Marks)        

4.0        Suggestions        

As an Organizational Behavior’s student, what would you suggest to rectify/ address the issues/ problems based on what you have learned in the Organizational behavior course? Discuss at least FOUR (4) suggestions. (40 Marks)        

5.0 References        

1.0        Movie Synopsis

Write a short synopsis of the movie. (10 Marks)

The synopsis of this movie is about a teenage girl named Andrea Schs (Anne Hathaway) simple and naïve just graduated in journalism from Northwestern University hired working as second assistant in a big fashion publishing company of Runway. She has to deal with her boss Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) which is powerful, demanding and sophisticated chief editor of Runway Magazine who dominates the fashion world to a top.

At first she doesn’t mind being gossiping with among the magazine staff because of her lack of style or fashion knowledge. But with help of art director Nigel (Stanley Tucci), she changed with stylishly dress, more competently with her job, fulfilling the impossible request of Miranda’s request that makes her boss more impress to her.

However due to the commitment and increasing time she spends with her boss, her personal relationship with her boyfriend and college friends are estranged. The relationship became worst when she agreed to accompany her boss to the fall fashion shows in Paris rather than Emily which is her senior assistant Emily Charlton (Emily Blunt) who is the one going to Paris with Miranda for the first place. But due to Miranda warns Andrea that if she declines, it affect her future job prospects so she have no choice to not go.

While in Paris she realizes that there are choices in everything.  She leave Miranda, Runway and fashion behind and finally been offered a job as a newspaper reporter. Then she lives with her old life and her relation with her boyfriend also back to normal.

2.0        Movie Issues and Problems

Identify any FOUR (4) issues/ problems revealed in the movie. (20 Marks)

The problem that been revealed in the movie is where the situation of Andrea faced is stress. Stress means “an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being”, ("Organizational Behavior on the Pacific Rim", 2005). Where she face a stress with her boss in fulfilling her impossible demanding that sometimes unreasonable such as asking for flight back to New York during bad weather and so on. This makes her stress to find the solution on how to satisfy her boss demand, (Nora, 2011). There is also problem of stress arise when her relationship with her college friends and boyfriend become poor due to the increasing amounts of time with her boss especially when she have to follow her boss go to Paris for fashion event. This makes her more stress because she feels that no one understand her job situation. Which is her situation has being threatened for her wellbeing between her boss and job or more time with her friends.

The second problem that been revealed in the movie is about the conflict and how to negotiate the situation she faced between her boss and her friends especially with her boyfriend. Where the conflict arises with commitment more on her job and her boss while her boyfriend also demanding her to be a normal life. Conflict means “The process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party”, ("Organizational Behavior on the Pacific Rim", 2005). The conflict that happened to Andrea has being opposed or negatively affected by her relationship with her close friends and her boyfriend when her time more on commitment with her boss where they were not close anymore. The conflict that been faced to her is a socio-emotional conflict which is she just started working there she dissatisfied with her boss where her boss not give any compliment if she doing good job but whenever she cannot fulfilled her demand her boss blame her for not doing the good job. These situations resulted of stress and want to give up with the job, (Nora, 2011). Because of the situation that she faced she need to deal with a negotiation with help other party. For example she expresses her dissatisfaction to Art Director Nigel. He helps her with giving a motivation and teaches her how to know more about the attitude of her boss.  

The third problem that revealed in the movie is her boss not give any motivation or compliment to her staff instead of assuming that whoever not give a good job there are many more girls want to work there. As an employer she must give motivation of her staff or employee. It is like give compliment to her staff whenever they make a good job. The employee also should provide coaching and feedback. With that the new employee will give an effort to make the job good and result of good performance. However this movie shows that to be a second assistant to the chief editor need a hard work to stay there due to the endless unimaginable demand. The first assistant also not gives Andrea a motivation on how to do the job good but telling her the behaviour and preferences of their boss.



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