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Monthly Budget

Essay by   •  February 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  533 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,613 Views

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there is an estimate of 2 billion Christians worldwide who call God their lord, but in Luke 13:24 it says

Strive to enter through the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, will seek to enter in, and will not be able.

(verse 1)

over 2 billion, but only few enter the kingdom

only few followed Christ, only few walked in freedom

i say to you, 30 years in church isn't enough

not by your possessions or your achievements on earth

not if you memorize the bible verse by verse

not because you never missed a service of church

cuz we will all be judged, when it comes to that day

some will be judged harder, some in a different way.

we shall bow to him for what he's done for us

he took our sins to the cross, so to glorify him a must

bow down to him, from a pastor to a NBA player

and getting into heaven is far more than just praying a prayer

cuz the enemy is seeking around, like a drive by

he'll throw an attitude or be that girl walking by

get you to lie, get you to do things your own way

until it's too late, and u wanna confess on ur judgment day


soon will come the day

many will say Lord, u know my name

he will look back and say

depart from me, I never knew you

(verse 2)

I never knew you, you never knew the game

Never mentioned his name cuz u were too ashamed.

So when its time for fame, he wont know your name

Because before his father, he too is also ashamed.

Only the few will enter the gate, make it to the promise land

Like a needle in a haystack, like 1 of a thousand

He finds them, looking in the dark with a candle

Stuck in a corner, with nothing but faith, kinda like Daniel

Grow with Christ, and feel what is suppose to be felt within

Stop the fake smile, keeping that secret sin




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