Monologue for an onion
Essay by maureenmagette • August 2, 2013 • Essay • 665 Words (3 Pages) • 3,195 Views
Analysis of "Monologue for an Onion" (Revised)
It is human nature to want to search for the deeper truth. In the poem "Monologue
for an Onion" by Suji Kwock Kim, the focal point of the poem is the onion, which
appears to represent the poet, and the other person she is addressing as her lover.
The poem gives a deeper meaning to the simple act of cutting an onion and also the
onion itself. Kim uses the metaphor of the layers of an onion to describe what
people really want and what motivates them. The outer layer represents what
everyone sees. By comparing herself to an onion, Kim is trying to express the pain
she went through in her relationship by saying her layers have been stripped away
one by one. There's nothing beneath the layers, suggestion that no matter what
she always ends up feeling the same pain.
Before we cut onions, we know they are more than likely going to make our eyes
burn and tear up but we still cut into them anyway. As compared to a bad
relationship, a person can know their partners ability to break their heart and make
them cry through emotional abuse, neglect, or even physical abuse. "I don't mean to
make you cry."(Line 1) they still decide to move forward with the relationship
knowing that most likely the end result will not be a positive one.
It seems as though Kim as the onion feels betrayed and victimized by her lover. He
destroyed pieces of her emotions and feelings and discarded them like they were
trash. "I mean nothing, but this has not kept you from peeling away my body, layer
by layer" (Lines 2, 3) The poet portrays her partner as having an obsession with
finding a deeper "core" beneath her layers. "Poor deluded human: You seek my
heart" (Line 6) .The lover wants something more than the poet is willing to give him.
No matter how deep you cut into an onion the inside is the same all the