Michelle Phan Case
Essay by tiintiin • October 6, 2013 • Essay • 1,361 Words (6 Pages) • 1,296 Views
Belonging is the core connection between an individual and their society. Peter Skrzynecki had explored this notion on a personal level through Immigrant Chronicle. It is a retell of his journey and witness different dimension of belonging. In the poem St Patrick's College, he demonstrated the feeling of an outcast over a long period of time. He was able to reach the state of hope at the end of the poem to suggest his contentment for the future. In contrast Jane Harrison demonstrated the contentment within a family. She used many techniques to guide us through the journey of the fictitious character and how each one of them personally fight for a sense of belonging and feeling content about what they have. The feature article "The lost princess" by Kenneth Miller shown the impact of belonging on individual. Through these text, we can assume that sense of belonging contribute greatly toward our attitude and contentment about life.
Composer of texts stress and emphasis the importance a community plays in creating an individual's sense of affinity with anything. As we can see in St Patrick's College, he used negative language to express the disconnection with his school. For eight years, the sense of alienation haunted him. Consequently result in negative action with school such as the lack in education engagement. This poem expresses the tension and distress of individual not fitting in a group.
Skrzynecki used very formal language the address the features in the poem and create a distant effect."St Patrick's College" opens with a clear statement of the persona's mother's reasons for enrolling him in the College: "Impressed by the uniforms/ Of her employer's sons". Starting the sentence with an adjective foregrounds her emotion and her desire for her son to attain this school. The use of her direct speech, "What was best" suggests her repetition of these words and her strong desire for her son's belonging despite the obstacles of "fees and expenses". The second stanza recounted the uncertainty and unfamiliar feeling on his first day. The positive connotation of "outstretched arm" symbolize the acceptance of Virgin Mary's. However it was juxtaposed with "her face overshadowed by cloud" which immediately highlight his uncertainty for the future. The use of "eight years" highlights the disconnection he had while being here. This suggest that repeated routine had limited changes and continue to be obstacle for individuals to belong.
We can see the routined study had interrupt opportunities for Skrzynecki to explore new things and gain a sense of belonging. All his action are accumulated with an accompanying sense of boredom and detachment. He mentioned "the blue, black and gold/ privileged to wear" suggest that's what his mother would want to hear. The rhythmic education had expand the detachment for him. His recitation of the Lord's Prayer carries a sense of rush and lack of thought; said "In Latin, all in one breath.". These regular action had impacted on the persona. Ultimately, he wasn't able to reach the state of contentment with life.
The final images are listed with a whirlwind speed. A dark tone is suggested in the persona's repetition of his mother's words and the translation of the school's motto, with an underlying implication that he has not met their expectations. The use of the word "someday" suggest that he has not fulfill his mother wish. This created a sense of darkness surround him. Although, the poem conclude with positive connotation. "Let my light shine" hold positive image with a fulfilling and happy future. Suggest that he had learn to be content with life.
People long to be together, to spend time with one another and reach the state of contentment. Sometimes, this feeling can be so strong that it moved us out of our comfort zone, overcome obstacle in order to feel belong with the larger community. The prologue "aftermath" starts with the song "Que Sera Sear" on the background while Nan dear and Gladys were cleaning after the flood. This symbolize the history of Indigenous people after the white settlement. Their hardship and determination helped them through