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Metamorphosis of Society: Teenage Pregnancy

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Metamorphosis of Society: Teenage Pregnancy

"It's about time we make the well-being of our young people more important than ideology and politics. As a country, we benefit from investing in their future by investing in teen pregnancy prevention." – An eloquent statement that was compensated by Jane Fonda. Her words are as true today as when she spoke them just as to catalyze the topic that is about to dispel.

Teenage Pregnancy is a growing epidemic. Is it ironic that it spreads like an enormous disease all over the world, yet it is the main case why overpopulation took place? It is one of the most alarming issues in our humanhood today. It is a story that may not be too pleasant, but is repeated too often.

Through time variates, people of the age also variates. In layman's term what we think, the way of our living, our things desired, the place we might have been. It is a life-changing situation and the lives of many teenage women have been ruptured by teen pregnancy. As a result of their pregnancies, their lives are put on hold all because of another responsibility interrupting their own lives. When so many young females are giving birth due to an accidental pregnancy, the country surely has to take notice and intervene somehow. While in the past few years, teen pregnancy has indeed declined because many preventions and mediactions have emerged, it is still a big problem in our society today. There are a myriad of causes that give

rise to teenage pregnancy these include family, community, and social dysfunctions that is to be discussed in the latter part of the piece.

Without further a do, let's face the acrimonious fact why these things happen momentarily. Many adolescents nowadays engage themselves in sexual intercourse with their partners just to be “in” with their friends and out of the curiousity, they want to try it. Interestingly, some developed countries even celebrate early teenage pregnancy, as it is a clear sign of fertility. But generally, a girl having been pregnant before adulthood is critically looked down with shame. "Rashest teens" that is how teen society labeled, unfortunately, yes its the bitter fact that teens this generation is nonetheless, impulsive and shameless because it's the desire of the mind and body. Basically, what triggers teenage pregnancy are consequences of raging hormones, peer group pressure, contraceptive failure and family problems.

Firstly, consequences of raging hormones may result in teenage pregnancy. Why? It is because the adolescent stage is where we experience sudden and unknown emotions. According to an online article entitled “What Causes Teenage Pregnancies”, in this stage of growth also, there is a huge influx of hormones that cause emotions to rage and change among adolescents. Teens also feel a natural sense of rebelling against the set norms and rules. All this, coupled with a sudden sense of fresh-found liberation and sexuality, results in giving vent to their feelings through sexual experiences. There is a hormone in our system that activates our body and respond when someone thinks sexually and sensually. And when someone was asked "Hey, how did you end up like that?" the other would say "I don't know I just lost my control." Pun intended, well technically it could just been an excuse because she know herself that she liked it or scientifically reasoning, it was just again the culprit — raging hormones.

Secondly, peer group pressure is another root of early pregnancy. Most teenagers opt to have sexual intercourse because they need to achieve the acceptance given by the CIRCLE of FRIENDS. Still according



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