Mental Health Explanantions - Rational Emotive Therapy (ret)
Essay by Kill009 • July 2, 2011 • Essay • 1,938 Words (8 Pages) • 2,418 Views
Essay Preview: Mental Health Explanantions - Rational Emotive Therapy (ret)
Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) - was first developed by a: Albert Ellis (psychologist) in the mid 1950's. Albert is also famous for his work as a sexologist. This therapy is used to to suggest change in a client's thinking. It is deemed that RET is a Direct and Profound measure of adapting a client to their own unrealistic grasp on the life they're living and the angle there mind has adapted to their DOA addictions and recovery. Taking a client outside their comfort and thinking space is the first measure to having the client adapt to new ways of resolving emotional and mental issues rather than relapsing into old ways. RET is aimed at bringing the client into a "normal" level of understanding, actions (past and present and rehabilitation. If a clinic is left within an unhealthy unrealistic measure of process and thought it shall have nothing but Devastating failure within the clients re-cooperation from what may have been a normal life for them for many years if not their entire Life as they know it. RET is also used for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression. When it comes to mentioned precautions within this therapy there aren't any except the client must have the want to change their way of thinking. In research reports from Ellis in 1979 and 1987 he introduced the model that most irrational beliefs originate from three core ideas, each one of which is unrealistic. There are three core process to this therapy which include: 1) A client believes "I must perform well to be approved of by others who are perceived significant"; 2) also its their belief "you must treat me fairly--if not, then it is horrible and I cannot bear it" and 3) the clients conditional thinking is of 'it must be my way and if not I cannot stand to live in such a terrible and awful world. These irrational thoughts can lead to grief and needless suffering. Strategies within this therapy are: Problem solving, role playing, Modeling and the use of humor. Before (RET) is implemented The client will go through an assessment with a therapist which will be a biopsychosocial assessment which will consist of a structured interveiw.There normally will not be an aftercare plan put in place unless in follow up interviews the therapist feels the client is at risk of relapse. Books and references compiling RET: Coon, D. Essentials of Psychology. 7th ed. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1997. Extracted from: also much information can be resourced at - For my position in the interview this will and can be a very affected therapy to adapt the past living to the future needs and wants of a client. Many clients find it almost impossible to see the wrong doing in process of their thoughts. It also allows a very strong Mirrored image of a past and future of successful rehabilitation so in many years to come if the client is honest and secure within the MH+AOD decisions they will find it a lot easier to see this change rather than having to relive the entire dramatic situation that many go through along the road of rehab. Many clients find it impossible to understand the true nature of their addictions and reason for that addiction existing, thus this therapy in its profound changes will cement many unseen reasons and assist the client with the "change-Over".
Motivational interviewing - refers to a counselling approach as therapy. Developed by psychologists "Professor William.R.Miller PH.D and Professor Stephen Rollnick PH.D". Motivational therapy recognizes the client has the will and wants to change their current situation through a Counselling styled approach. Through this approach a client may not be aware they have been trying to change their way of thinking and acting for many years prior to being introduced to motivational therapy. By Motivating a client it activates a new stream of thinking through endorphins within the clients brain, we all are aware if we are motivated and "Feel Good" we will strive to further ourselves a lot more than when we are unmotivated. Motivational interviewing is non-judgmental, non-confrontational and non-adversarial.
Motivational interviewing is based upon four general principles:
1. Express empathy, guides therapists to share with clients their understanding of the clients' perspective.
2. Develop discrepancy, guides therapists to help clients appreciate the value of change by exploring the discrepancy between how clients want their lives to be vs. how they currently are (or between their deeply-held values and their day-to-day behavior).
3. Roll with resistance, guides therapists to accept client reluctance to change as natural rather than pathological.
4. Support self-efficacy, guides therapists to explicitly embrace client autonomy (even when clients choose to not change) and help clients move toward change successfully and with confidence.
- There are no documented negative outcomes to Motivational Interview therapy but is in need of the client to want to make change. So instantly this therapy adapts the client's responsibility within their own pathway to rehabilitation. Motivational interview's once subjected to can be carried out for the entire pathway plan of the client due to it being passed via skill from the therapist to the client. Having found many therapy's available in today's MH umbrella's to be short term affective I am relieved to say this is a defanant long term process that can be carried upon by the client, the clients family and friends within the clients social adaptation. The reason being Most people caught up in AOD issues forget to self-motivate and hence the depression of feeling trapped begins but as stated this therapy breaks that feeling and reminds the client of the positives rather than the negatives that the client has been facing for a great period of their life. As most abusers carry negative aspects for many years before their addiction begins. Long term this therapy