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Media Case

Essay by   •  March 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  501 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,911 Views

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The two Print ads, "Sugababes" and "Veet" both are effective in selling there products.

In the "Sugababes" print ad there are three beautiful women, who are known as the "sugababes" (an English pop girl group). The product/s are shown on the bottom right hand side and one each product has an individual senses; tempt, tease and touch. On the bottom left hand side we find the slogan, 'tempt, tease, touch...' the slogan relates to the each Sugababe body language, Sugababe on the left relates to "tempt" as her clothing is quite revealing yer sassy. "touch" refers to the sugababe on the right as she has a lascivious look and she stokes hear her, could mean to say she is giving the message 'I want you'/ "you know you want me". "Tease" refers to the sugababe in the middle, as she is looking directly at audience to show concentration yet seems to have a deceiving look in her eye and her face is tilted to the left.

The Font used for the print ad is eye-catching because it stands out, truly because of the colour used and design used. The main colour used in the advert, such as the colour of the sugababes dresses where dull in excitement yet intriguing in meaning, by this I mean the colours do not bring an uplifting mood yet if you dig bigger you could think that they use the colours: black and dark purple because each has an insignificance meaning...Black is associated with power/mystery/evil/power whilst dark purple is associated with gloom/sad feeling .

The meaning of this print ad could be that if you buy any one of these products you will look as sassy as a 'sugababe' and have a 'tease', 'touch' and 'tempt' affect on men.

In the "veet" print ad there is a woman, she is wearing an orange 'tank top' , pink short skirt and pink heels. The product is shown on the top right corner, the lid is on the floor, so it has been recently used, to the left of the product there is, as it seems a small diagram, on top the copy saying "for those hard -to-reach places. With added Moisturiser Complex for even silkier smooth legs". The product name is on the bottom right hand corner, below it you find the slogan "what beauty feels like" and under that you find the product's website. The text located slightly-middle-right handed side read a text saying "Touchably smooth skin just got easier" this obviously suggest that smooth skin is now more easier for it to be touchable.

The Clothing the woman in the ad has got on suggest a bubbly/happy attitude, truly because the colour of clothing, also its shows of her " touchably smooth skin". The expression on her face suggests she is quite relieved.

The meaning of this print ad I think is that if you use 'veet' your skin will " touchably



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