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Mass Consumption

Essay by   •  February 13, 2018  •  Essay  •  619 Words (3 Pages)  •  932 Views

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Mass consumption is an unrecognized spectacular phenomenon in today’s society. We must acknowledge our lack of concern for waste so that there will be a better tomorrow for generations to come. Waste seems to be something that we as Americans, keep hidden, as if saying out of sight out of mind. Chris Jordan’s photos has brought mass consumption to the forefront of our lives and we must be inclined to act.

The critical social commentary is a form of leadership as it encompasses taking an advantage as an individual, or a group, or a community to use abstract means to provide remarks on issues affecting a society. Most of the issues pursued are daily ideas of things that the society takes for granted which may have a long-term effect on the society. Therefore, taking responsibility to create attention to a societal problem is a kind of leadership. In Chris’ photography, he uses a rare combination of concepts, details and social commentary. Chris’ use of statistics assist with the understanding of the underlying problem of waste consumption that many would have exceeded in his images. The society as a whole, would have judged Chris’ artwork a wholesome display of artwork. Chris was extremely doubtful of his art because he did not realize that his artwork could convince people to change how they consumed things and how they got rid of those things.

Critical social commentary is a form of transformational leadership. Because it establishes a consciousness of what is a necessity and right. Furthermore, it puts forth an effort to promote a sense of motivational development in a way to surpass an individual’s interest in regards to society. Social critical commentary utilizes the four I’s of transformational leadership. In order for transformational leadership to be relevant, the leader must first be able to act as a role model; a leader must and can be trusted and respected. A transformational leader must also be an inspiration to his followers, as well as have the ability to motivate his followers using the mission and vision of the organization, which then creates a unique dynamics of team spirit.

The rap artist by the name of Tupac Shakur transformed the black community through his songs. Although considered a gangster rapper, Tupac transcended and elevated from his humble beginnings while yet still remaining true to the streets in which he was raised. “His wayward, conflicting expressions of pride, militancy and gangster-ism resonates in a world when black men and women celebrate their heritage and collectively organize against a racist America, yet are also cautious to protect themselves from each other.” (Reeves, 2016).

The hardest part about writing or creating a mission statement is being truly honest with yourself. Having that vulnerability with yourself is not an easy task to do. You are looking into your soul to find who you really are and what you really stand for. The process was



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