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Marriage Is Outdated and No Longer Suits Modern Lifestyles and Attitudes

Essay by   •  December 26, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,164 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,283 Views

Essay Preview: Marriage Is Outdated and No Longer Suits Modern Lifestyles and Attitudes

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Marriage is timeless from ancient to modern in countries. It is the base of a society. There was one reason for marriage in ancient time that is reproducing. However, with society development, legal, spiritual, religious become the main reason for people to build up a family. In contemporary society, some people want to maintain a stable family because it is good for children's health and makes life become easier; whereas some people live a modern life, who suffers from stress, divorce and even be occupied by new conceptions, such as different one night stand and unmarried status. This essay will examine why people select traditional ideas towards marriage, and will then go on to analyse which new lifestyle factors influence on marriage and what government can do to support modern marriage. The final part of the essay will expose how marriage adequate modern lifestyle.

Majority of people receive traditional education on marriage form parents and teachers. They spend a regular life---birth, grow up, being educated, find jobs, marriage, have children, rearing children then becoming old. Marriage is a part of life, in addition, a long part of life. People who attracted by traditional marriage can be explored by following two main reasons. Firstly, stable marriage is essential in children's childhood. When a marriage brakes down, children are worrying about they would lose the love from father or mother, this cause anxiety and children can not select which part they may live with.

"An increased susceptibility to anxiety disorders maybe inherited or maybe due to childhood experiences" and "Abrupt separation of a child from a parent have been shown to play a part in some anxiety disorders"( Stoppard,2002,287)

The statements above demonstrate that a child's anxiety disorders have links with marriage break down and even some adults' mental disease could find shadow from this kind of childhood experiences.

Hence, love from both parent and a stable family integrate a child's childhood. Children do not have the chance to undergo being separate from parents; children do not need to worry about father or mother will absent from their life time, neither. For these reasons, maintain a stable marriage is essential for children mental health.

Meanwhile parents can teach offspring the correct view inside marriage. A stable marriage let parents focus on children only. Parents would correct children's behaviour, if children followed negative patterns. Even if some bad behaviours ruin youngsters life route. For instance, youngsters who took part in UK riots in july are arrested, as well as, being sent to prison. If a marriage broke down, father or mother would focus on new life, ignore the children. Therefore, maintain a stable marriage is essential for children to lead a well being life.

Another element which can not be ignored is that men and women enjoy their life in the marriage. The first motivation, inside marriage, men and women interdependence and take care by each other, share happiness as well. A man and a woman is a unit respectively. A man or a woman usually ignore by friends, because their friends focus on their family. In that case no one care about them, they always feel lonely outside marriage. Additionally, wives and husbands save money together to enrich their life. Such as, a single person needs to pay loan for house instalment around 6 years, whereas the loan paid by couples only needs 3 or 4 years, and then couples can spend the money that they save from the last 3 or 2 years on sight seeing, decorating their house or whatever they want.

In the 21st century, marriage is challenged by modern lifestyle factors, on one hand, lifestyle shocked by new conceptions. People that live in this century pursue amusements, independence and extraordinariness.



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