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Management Vs Leadership: Difference?

Essay by   •  November 28, 2018  •  Research Paper  •  4,394 Words (18 Pages)  •  1,096 Views

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  Intercultural topics




Capacity to organise people work. Capacity to ruled a company. Creating and developing strategies for a business. Try to find resources within the company and find the way to reach the goal of the company in an efficient way. Organise company’s resources.




Intrinsic skills even though you can develop them with coaches, managements schools. People have to want become a leader. A mix of both (skills and something in you) because you can learn how to improve your skills but you have to born with them. For many people is easier to become a leader


The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful business owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of success.


Manager is more theoretical, strategies, theories… And a leader is more the personality of the person.


Leader is a manager but the manager is not a leader, both of them ruled a company but the leader has always the respect of all the workers. Leader ruled the company and the manager obbey what the leader says, he implement the leader vision.


You can learn to manage a company but not to be a leader, its something intrinsic. Management. A leader is like a guide, the manager is the one who applies the visión of the leader.

Manager = mission


Qualities efficient manager: these qualities can differ from one country to another


·      Goal focused, don’t give up

·      Able to manage the pressure

·      Quick and effective decisión-maker

·      A good planner





Alejandro: In Spain we can find companies in which power structure is more present and companies where the management structure is flat and, thus, relationships between workers and managers are less hierarchical. This difference between both kinds of management is related to the type of business or sector in which the company is developing its business activity (law firm or technological company) and with the size of the firm, for instance, in small or medium companies it is easier to manage and to establish the functions of every single worker without the need to have a hierarchical structure. However, in my country, we usually find companies with a clearly defined hierarchical structure.  

Julia: In Poland the hierarchy within the organization clearly depends on the type of business. In public companies and big corporations the structure is usually taller, with centralized power and bigger importance of the authority. In startups and creative agencies the structure is rather flat, there is more teamwork and active participation of all workers of the company. n general I think that most polish companies represent traditional, hierarchical structure, but in a last few years a shift towards more modern approach can be observed.

Thomas: In France, firms (especially medium sized companies and large companies) are most of the time clearly structured. Yet, that kind of structure is currently evolving due to the success of some silicon valley firms and of new ways to manage. Some sectors remain still unchanged (banking, audit companies…) but businesses try, at least apparently, to have a less pyramid structure.


Younes: The business set up in Morocco is conservative and hierarchical. In  order to ensure successful cross cultural management it is important to remember that strictly defined roles exist. Intercultural adaptability relies on an understanding of this hierarchical system. This belief means that people believe their supervisors have been chosen because of their greater experience.

Expect to be served mint tea whenever you meet someone, as this demonstrates hospitality. Always accept the beverage since declining is viewed as a rejection of the person. As in other Muslim countries, Moroccans are gracious hosts and it is important that you accept their offers of hospitality. At the same time, their business practices have been greatly influenced by the French and emphasize courtesy and a degree of formality.

Therefore, new startups and subsidiaries are witnessing a remarkable transition in terms of hierarchy and the degree of formalities to “Cool management”


Ivy:In China,big companies have clear hierarchy,it’s hard to go from the lower level to the higher level if the company has a lot of employees, so promotion is

difficult for employees.In small or medium companies, the relationships between employees and employers are less hierarchical, because it is easy to assign missions of employees.

Valentina: In Colombia the hierarchy is well perceived in Big companies and enterprises, most of the times creating a stressful working environment due to pressure and lack of communication, this leads most of the times unsatisfied workers and lack of teamwork. In terms of small companies, the hierarchy is less perceived as a strong connection with the employee is required in order to have success in the business.




Alejandro: In order to give their one hundred percent effort, workers need to feel important within the company and this is managers responsibility. They can achieve this goal through promotions or giving the workers economic bonuses but not everything is a matter of money, managers can also motivate staff giving them free days, medical insurance that covers the physiotherapist's consultation or psychologist consultation. Moreover, the fact of motivating workers has a very important psychological factor, for this reason Spanish companies usually hire coaches to give inspirational speeches.



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