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Macbeth as Tragedy Case

Essay by   •  December 15, 2013  •  Term Paper  •  600 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,630 Views

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Macbeth as Tragedy

Shakespeare's Macbeth is often considered one of Literature's greatest tragedies. I certainly concur. There was a lot of bloodshed for the sake of; who has the power now. "We see it in the video games" today, one in which I have recently observed is Justice, the graphics and setting appear very real. Anyway, it reminds me of the drama that occurs in Macbeth with the exception of women fighting. In Justice, women shed blood however, in Macbeth, the women were killed and Lady Macbeth committed suicide. There were absolutely "no women alive at the end of the drama of Macbeth." Does this insinuate the power and control that men should have? In life, we all have the power from within to make a change or a difference in someone's life, community or around the world. Whether it is striving to be a better parent, student, worker, communicator, businessperson, etc. the power lies within you. From observing the drama in Macbeth, I want to exhibit the positive side of power. The kind of power that lifts others and me up and not the kind of power that draws upon my reserves and then eats me up.

Macbeth, the Protagonist in this tragedy-filled drama uses his "vaulting ambition," an intense desire for power to stir up the senses to demonstrate how just pondering about power can take control of you; to commit acts of evil you was not even aware you was capable of...leading to revenge and a new form of power. It also showed you what madness was like even during periods of slight humor...then overshadowed by murders. Life can change at the blink of an eye.

The setting of this drama Macbeth, takes place in "Scotland", the only drama of Shakespeare done in "Scotland", where witches, the supernatural and sorcerers exist. The drama unfolds with an eerie scene and the sound of thunder and lightning in the midst of "fog and filthy air. When there is fog, you can barely see (false pretenses). "Three witches (three sisters) in the presence of Macbeth, appear to stew up some emotion by prophesizing that he is going to take the throne of Scotland.

King Duncan, a great and meek King who sometimes appeared to be too nice to be a king, announces to his "cousin," Macbeth, a courageous war hero, who defends his king, his country and his honor; that he will be given the title of King, since he demonstrated his "nobleness to the King." Besides Macbeth contemplating on the power he would have on being the king, Lady Macbeth, easily manipulated him to kill King Duncan while being a guest at their castle in order to become King. Lady Macbeth, who at one point demonstrated compassion and human kindness indicated by the pouring out of breast milk delivered an astonishing speech which she calls on spirits to "unsex" her, "make thick [her] blood" and exchange her breast



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