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Macbeth Act 3

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Deyonallah Antoine

Mrs. Walker

English 7


Homework : Macbeth Act 3 Questions

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 1:

  1. Banquo suspects that Macbeth cheated
  2. He knows that the crown would not go to Macbeths descendants and that his sons and grandsons would be kings instead
  3. He considers him as the most important guest in the celebration
  4. he is saying that he is bound to serve the king! That whatever the king orders he will do! He could also be talking about Malcolm
  5. He wants to know about Banquo’s schedule he wants to know if he is going to be riding far so he can plan the attack etc
  7. He suggests that Banquo stays, kill Banquo, he fears the prophecy told by the witches
  8. So that no one can see him talking to Banquo’s ghost/ his guilt
  9. Thus stands for king, Macbeth fears the royalty nature, his dauntless temper and his wisdom, He’s willing to take risks, and his mind never stops working. He has the wisdom to act bravely but also safely.
  10. When Banquo left
  11. The prophecy says that Banquo’s sons will be king
  13. Macbeth tells the two murderers within the next hour at night "I will tell you exactly when to strike", it must be away from the palace. In order for the plan to work perfectly you must kill Banquo and his son, Fleance, who is always with him. Banquo is more important of the two. Macbeth can't execute Banquo because he and Macbeth have friends in common and Macbeth needs them to cover his tracks so he can cry with them over Banquo death.

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 2:

  1. Lady Macbeth is saying that if you get what you want and you are still not happy, you spent everything and gained nothing at all. It better to be the person who gets murdered than to be the killer and feel worried.
  2. Lady Macbeth says "How now, my Lord! Why do you keep alone,". This shows that the Macbeth is keeping secrets from Lady Macbeth.
  3. Macbeth refers the snake as Duncan lying in his grave. The snake is dangerous because the snake heals itself and once it's fully healed it will be a threat by its fangs once again.
  4. Death is more preferable than to endure endless mental torture and harrowing sleep deprivation. Duncan is sleeping well and nothing can hurt him further like weapons, poison, rebellion, invasion etc.
  5. Lady Macbeth tells him to put on a happy face, relax and look cheerful and agreeable for your guests tonight. This suggestion reflects the reversal theme by Lady Macbeth undergoing a role reversal, where they exchange characters and amount of ambition.

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 3

  1. Macbeth sent a third murder to kill Banquo
  2. It was daylight because the first murder said "there's still a bit of daylight"
  3. I believe that the third murder is Macbeth servant
  4. Macbeth wants Fleance killed, so that he would not feel threatened by the fact that Fleance is destined to be king. Because Fleance escapes, Macbeth cannot be content with his power.
  5. The escape of Fleance is a turning point in the play because of the fulfillment of the witches prophecy so therefore Macbeth wants to kill Fleance in order to become king but luckily Fleance fled so therefore he can become king in the future

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4

  1. The irony of the first murderer’s appearance just as lady Macbeth is bidding the welcome to all her friends is because the murderer just got back from killing one of their supposed “friends”. Just as she was greeting people she was friends with.
  2. Macbeth’s emotional state after the murderer came with blood on his face may be eager and relieved
  3. Macbeth is concerned about Fleance’s fate because he was said to be king by the witches. He believes that he will threaten his position as king, and that he is a snake just like his father. Fleance remaining alive may be Macbeth’s downfall.
  4. The following lines were describing that at last Banquo is dead comparing him to a snake, but the baby snake known as Fleance has escaped, and although right now he is harmless, in time he will be poisonous as snakes are poisonous. This comparison is accurate because Fleance will in time become harmful and Banquo is dead as the image clearly stated.
  5. The dramatic irony in the lines is displayed because Macbeth is referring to Banquo’s absence in saying that all the praised nobility are gathered in the feast together so he hopes that Banquo hasn’t shown up yet due to him being rude and not because he is in danger or dead, while he knows that Banquo is dead, and not only that, but he is the cause of his death.
  6. Macbeth believes the table is full because his ghost entered the feast and sat on his chair.
  7. The thanes do not understand Macbeth’s confusion because they do not see the ghost of Banquo sitting at the table, just as Macbeth does.
  8. Macbeth indicates with his question of “Which one of you have done this?” that someone besides himself has killed Banquo, and caused his ghost to appear, and insists that he didn’t kill him, despite that it was his fault.
  9. Lady Macbeth explains Macbeth’s odd behavior through fabricating a false story of how Macbeth suffers from throwing fits over things that don’t make sense and not to provoke him into doing it further. A personality trait shown by Lady Macbeth is her manipulative nature, especially from how quickly she tricks everyone with her false story. This could weaken Macbeth’s security as a king through others not taking Macbeth’s words seriously when he seems angry.
  10. The irony of the ghost of Banquo’s reappearance immediately after Macbeth’s wish to see Banquo with them again,  is that once the ghost of Banquo reappears to Macbeth’s vision, he quickly wishes to dispel him from his sight and have him remain in his grave.
  11. Macbeth is attempting to convince himself that Banquo is dead, and is not actually sitting before him at the table.
  12. Macbeth mentions these creatures because he was crying out to the ghost of Macbeth to come face him in the form of one of these fierce, terrifying creatures, so that he may prove his bravery as a man, rather than tremble in fear of Banquo’s ghost appearance.
  13. Macbeth thinks the ghost wants to kill him
  14. Macbeth's anger may stem from his great fear that Macduff will wrest power from him.
  15. To go and talk to the three witches about him still being king and sends for Macduff.
  16. Macbeth is saying that he is stuck and can either go back or forward. He is forced to stand his ground, since he has made his decision to kill Duncan.
  17. Macbeth is struck with fear and guilt when he sees the ghost.

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 5

  1. The witches talked to Macbeth without her.
  2. She decides what evil thing happens
  3. She was going to put magical spells on him so Macbeth will see illusions which will lead him to believe he is the wisest and stronger then fate ad death and overconfidence will lead to Macbeth’s death

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 6

  1. He accused Macbeth of killing Duncan and Banquo
  2. Because he didn’t show up to the banquet
  3. Fleance
  4. She was abusing her power
  5. He went to England to ask King Edward to restore Scotland



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