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Love Is the Word

Essay by   •  May 1, 2016  •  Creative Writing  •  466 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,338 Views

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Love, is a silly thing. Love is the idea you grew in your heart to explain why the words he said made your heart sing. Love helped you understand why the absence of him caused you to feel like a piece of your heart had gone missing. Love showed you why you craved the kissing craved the feeling craved the touching. Love gave you reasons to never stop fighting when you learned his feelings for you were dieing. Love was the memories of every sweet thing his heart had spoke. Love was in the tears falling from your eyes like a waterfall when you learned your bond holding him to you had broke. Love is the thing that stitches your heart back together everytime you think you found the one. Love is the act you perform when you feel all you need is someone, someone that has you tripping over every word because your fear grows at the thought of losing the moment and his feelings. Love makes you work harder then you ever had to make him treasure your aching heart. Love makes you try with all you have to keep him from breaking you more then you already are.  Love makes you think he'd never leave you when every word rolls off his lips your sure it's true, after all why would he ever lie to you. Love always requires the heart beat of two but when one beats stronger and so much longer the other disappears. It leaves you empty and the strength of your heart beat begins to diminish as it weakens from losing the other heart it worked for. Both hearts so silent you hear crickets chirping of the love you once had. The chirping never stops you cant stand the reminder of the man you once loved.  You stop your heart freeze it over so its cold hoping it with kill the chirping crickets uttering the words that once showed his love. He was the one the one that filled you with every feeling memory and dream. Dreams of the future you thought you would have. Dreams of him right by your side. You thought his heart would beat for you as much as your heart would beat for him. You searched each others hearts out of curiosity to find a lasting discovery. On the the way you got lost. his heart stopped beating along with yours when he lost the fight to go on. He left you with the sound of crickets chripping of the man you once loved.  you tried to kill them by destroying yourself only to find them still perfectly chirping the tune of his love. Love is a silly thing that keeps you fighting but sometimes you have to realize, is it really worth trying?



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