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Lighting Case

Essay by   •  October 26, 2013  •  Essay  •  424 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,363 Views

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Considering the last product I purchased was Grand Theft Auto 5. When I purchased this item I was at a store called GameStop. The media and the way they advertised this game was flawless first let's talk about this and how this influenced my purchase before I get into in store displays and lighting. About six months ago in little out of know where ways the company Rock Star Entertainments begin to market this game, first you would see like a little 10 second commercial showing you a sequence of awesomeness leading me the consumer wanting to see more, kind of like a movie trailer but in a way to where it almost felt subliminal. As time went on the games started to spread out over every social media website you could think of from Facebook to Twitter to Tumbler then it started hitting YouTube like crazy, you would see banners everywhere and video clips, game leaks, beta previews man the intensity they built up for this game was pure genius. They made you feel like if you didn't go out to buy this game you weren't human, which in away is what marketing is all about. In all honesty I did not pre order this game but they also made you feel that if you didn't pre-order you were defiantly going to miss out on something, like I said before "genius".

Ok the days here "The game has been released" so I headed to the GameStop store when I pulled in to the parking lot besides the line out of the front door, this store had this game advertised in way that just made you want to skip everyone in line run up to the cash register smack the teller in the face and be like "GIVE ME THE GAME NOW!!!!". The lighting was perfect they had flashing lights they had dim lights they had all kind of color lights even those light they use for like big events kind of like the Batman call all waving in the air, they even had a red carpet to walk on to get in to the store. Rock Star Entertainment really thought this out well. I wouldn't have changed a thing you can't change perfection. But if maybe just maybe they would have marketed this in a different way I would be $60.00 dollars richer? "NAH!!!" I still would have bought it, but the company deciding to do it this way just made me feel that much better about dropping $60.00 on one video game.



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