Essay by Marry • June 16, 2011 • Essay • 1,154 Words (5 Pages) • 1,459 Views
"That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that is the day of Christ at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means." (2 Thess. ii. 2, 3 The New Testament)
When people think of morality development they usually associate, how a certain type of behavior is supposed to be right and accepted by society. When I was a young child I grew up in a Roman Catholic society , there was always talk of how morality is taught to us from the Bible. Kohlberg has established sectors of morality , when and where they take role in moral development they are; pre conventional development, conventional development and post conventional development.
Somehow Kohlberg has dissected a new way of forming structure on building this theory and I can relate it to my religion and catechist classes and preparation for my five holy sacraments. The five sacraments all happen in different stages of a person's life Baptism when the child is born and named. The First Holy Communion when the child is 8-12 years, Confirmation when you are a teenager 13- which strengthen and deepen morality. Then Marriage and Death are the two last sacraments according to the Catholic faith.
As a young child I grew up in Poland where all schools were Roman Catholic. I would always listen to my mother who always taught me to be a moral person. Doing good deeds for the elderly, made sure to pray when I woke up in the morning always thanked God for the gifts I was so blessed to have. If I did not thank God with a prayer I was thought that there will be a price to pay and that takes place in our afterlife. Obedience was the key term here and punishment was a scare. (W.C. Crain. 1985)
I believed my parents and neighbors and priests that if I do not obey these rules that I was taught in religion class I will be punished. I made sure to never lie, curse or steal or God will punish me. As I finally received my first holy communion at the tender age of 8 I knew that I would have to obey these rules. (Witt & Mossler 2010) Individualism was thought to by the priests themselves. (W.C. Crain 1985) The priests were the authority of our church. The pre conventional method definitely stood ground on accounts of fair exchange for I had feared punishment from God himself.
As time passes I grew into a good age of 13, I had moved to New York City and the social norm had defiantly changed. I no longer went to catholic school but went to public school; I meet many different people from all types of religions and backgrounds. On the weekends my parents did not let me go at bay, I was driven to religion courses every Saturday and Sunday until I was 18.
Looking back I knew I acknowledged good interpersonal relationships with my fellow students in religion school and public school (C.W. Crain 1985). Whenever someone in public school did something wrong, I had feeling empathy for the other kids who were picked on by the bullies. Meanwhile other's did not care and were numb, they themselves picked on these poor kids for being different. I knew it was wrong and that's not what my religion thought me.
Maintaining social order, the plan was to create a click of my own norms. I felt