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Juvenile Prostitution and Pornography

Essay by   •  January 5, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,343 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,619 Views

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Juvenile prostitution and pornography is illegal. It doesn't matter where you are. Juvenile that are sold in human trafficking for the sole purpose of sexual labor are emotional, physical and psychological destroy. Human trafficking is defined as criminal activity in which men, women and children are recruited, harbored, transported brought and kidnapped to serve and exploitation purpose such as sexual slavery and forced labor. Every day a child is missing or kidnapped we hoped that child found safe but that is not the case most of the time. Every year thousands of children fall into the hands of traffickers for the purpose of sexual labor. Some people considered human trafficking to involved adult only that is to show you how uneducated we as society has on human trafficking. There are thousands of Juvenile victims trafficked within the United States and International. Human trafficking is a crime that is not mention often in the public eyes. Yet it is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. All fifty states in the United States involved in human trafficking. The highest percent of human trafficking comes for the state of Florida, New York, and California

What is sex trafficking?

Sex trafficking is defined as recruitment, transportation within National or across international borders, receipt of an individual for the purpose of commercial sex, accomplished by fraud, deception, venerability and threat.

Trafficking has practice in many different ways, but this paper will focuses on juvenile sex trafficking. Traffickers recruited children as young as five years old. They target their victims at the mall, after school program and juvenile that are runaway and throw away many of these juvenile are coming from broken homes and poor families. Runaway and thrown away are most at risk of trafficking victims.

We have heard of trafficking victims in other countries but what about the United States. There are thousands of children each year in the United States that are victims of trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry. The trafficking industry is not new to the twenty first centuries; it has been in force for centuries. It can be trace back to the time of slavery. We as society assume that a regular customer for traffickers would be non-government or military individual but surprisingly the major part of the profit for this industry comes from government and military members. These victims as been violated mentally, physical for the rest of their lives due to people who has no sense of what a child is, for their own selfish needs. These are individual we trust with our lives and our children life, they protected our country and we expect them to do the same for our children.

This is a sad situation all of those children are terrified for their lives and the life of their families. Traffickers controlled their mines with threat that thy will destroyed their families. The longer these juvenile victims stayed in the hands of the traffickers they started to believed that the lifestyle is normal, they are afraid and shame of going home because of what they think their families will think of them. Children mine are more easily to destroy than an adult. This is not a fair situation some time the pimps that brought these juvenile are not caught for prosecution. In my optimum an individual that cause harm to children with the result of long term damages or any damages should be punish to the fullest extent of the law.

American are willing to accepted that there are children enslaves in Cambodia and other countries, but cannot imagine that it is happening right here in the United States. "The Department of Justice estimates that more than two hundred and fifty thousand American youth are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation. The average age of entry for female prostitutes in the United States is between twelve and fourteen years old, and children and youth older than twelve are prime target for sexual exploitation by organized crime unit, according to a 2001 report." According to the Department of State there are fourteen thousand five hundred to seventeen thousands



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