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Just Deserts Finale Data Analysis

Essay by   •  August 2, 2012  •  Case Study  •  909 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,074 Views

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To: Paul Conforti, CEO Finale Desserterie & Bakery

From: Felicity Klass, Market Research Analyst

Date: April 27, 2012

Subject: Finale Data Analysis

Dear Mr. Conforti,


Client feedback is critical to growing your business. Locating a full service guest satisfaction measurement service that gathers relevant feedback is imperative in measuring the success of Finale Desserterie & Bakery. The purpose of this memorandum is to conduct a research analysis of Survey on the Spot data and determine if this survey method is an appropriate alternative to mystery shoppers. Moreover, specific issues such as satisfaction across restaurants, survey source, and month to month data and other areas have been addressed your review. Additionally, in response to your request, the accompanying research memorandum seeks to answer these questions and include recommendations regarding the implementation of future survey strategies


In compiling the data from the summary report as well as conducting an independent statistical analysis following conclusions have been drawn from key findings. Below are sum summary tables of three key variables examined: Store Location, Survey Source, and Month to Month data.

The Survey results were compiled from the following sources:

Store Location

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Boston, MA 88 30.0 30.0 30.0

Brookline, MA 22 7.5 7.5 37.5

Cambridge, MA 183 62.5 62.5 100.0

Total 293 100.0 100.0

Survey Source

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid iPhone 51 17.4 17.4 17.4

Blackberry 41 14.0 14.0 31.4

Mobile Web 144 49.1 49.1 80.5

Web 57 19.5 19.5 100.0

Total 293 100.0 100.0

Months of Service

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid February 16 5.5 5.5 5.5

March 146 49.8 49.8 55.3

April 98 33.4 33.4 88.7

May 33 11.3 11.3 100.0

Total 293 100.0 100.0

Statistical analyses were completed including Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Analyses of Variance (ANOVA), and Multiple Regression.

Correlation analysis was done on all the satisfaction survey questions with some excellent results. All questions were statistically correlated at p<.01 with each other. This is significant in that it reveals that the survey questions have high reliability and all appear to be measuring the same construct of "Satisfaction". Moreover, analysis also reveals they are not asking the exact same thing and therefore are addressing the different aspects of "Satisfaction". These results are necessary for this survey to be metrically sound. That the measure is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring is also known as construct validity. So, the measure (The Survey on The Spot) is found to be both reliable and valid and is seen as a good replacement for the Secret Shopper method.

Satisfaction Questions for the Survey

Were you satisfied with your overall experience at Finale?

How likely would you be to return to Finale?

How satisfied were you with the service you received?

How satisfied were you with the cleanliness/appearance of the Desserterie/Bakery Cafe?

Did your food and beverage selection meet your expectations?

Was your experience/food/beverage worth the price you paid for it?

Would you recommend Finale to a friend?


Were you satisfied with your overall experience at Finale?

Pearson Correlation 1 .667** .785** .483** .611** .596** .631**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 293 293 292 292 272 280 292

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

This example illustrates how well the questions correlate with each other.



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