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Jetblue Airways

Essay by   •  September 1, 2011  •  Essay  •  754 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,973 Views

Essay Preview: Jetblue Airways

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Jetblue Airways began its journey in the year 2000 out of the City of New York. It was the brain child of founder CEO David Neeleman. Mr. Neeleman started in the airline industry in 1984. He partnered with the owners June and Mitch Morris to run Southwest airlines lookalike, Morris Air. Mr. Neeleman would eventually join Southwest airline's top management team where he worked with Herb Kelleher, the CEO of Southwest airlines. Neeleman who is known for his innovativeness and his hands on mentality would soon leave Southwest airlines in 1994. Due to contractual agreements, Neeleman could not create another airline until 5 years later. Upon expiration of this contract West Jet was born. In addition he also created an e0ticketing reservation system called Open skies. These two companies would later be sold to Hewlett-Packard in 1998. With his personality and the experience he gained Neeleman decided to launch a new airline company. Today this airline is known as JETBLUE. By utilizing Southwest airline as a model for his dream, Neeleman wanted to serve the underserved market in the airline industry. He would accomplish this goal through air craft and employees. His planes would be larger and fly further than any other airline. He would use his employees to leave passengers with an overwhelming good flying experience. He would do this all by distinguishing his brand of airline. By looking at the airline industry Neeleman was able to determine that there was a need for lower travel cost to customers, and customer also desired comfort, punctuality, and courtesy. Last but not least customer also desired a meal and not just peanut and a drink. Neeleman created three principles know as the golden rules. These rules were defined as (1) flawless execution at every customer contact point; (2) making matters right with customers if the execution is not flawless; and (3) treating employees well. These guiding principles have been extended to all levels of Jetblue's operation, internally and externally, and have created unique customer appeal. (Quote)

The view of Jetblue as it pertains to its customers is beyond any other airline that I have ever encountered. I have traveled a lot and I must say when I utilized jet blue my experience was very rewarding. In the words of its founders David Neeleman, "We think of ourselves as customer advocates. We believe that all travelers should have access to high-quality airline service at affordable fares." (quote) Jetblue's strong appreciation and valuing of it customers has helped the relationship between its staff and its customer. Everyone wants to feel valued and special. Jetbue is the one airline company that does that for travelers. Jetblue has created an environment that is positive and that not only benefits it customer but its employees. The combination is incredible. In fact, Jetblue won the KANA Summit Award for outstanding achievement in customer service



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