Its Hard Being a Little Girl If You Are Not
Essay by Paul • February 16, 2012 • Essay • 355 Words (2 Pages) • 1,770 Views
It's Hard Being A Little Girl If You Are Not
Visiting Atlanta and watching a commerical gave me a different outlook on obesity. This commerical "Its Hard Being A Little Girl If You Are Not targets obesity and parents in a way that informs and offends in many ways. Understanding that there are millions of children across the world that are obese. Georgia is third in obesity after Mississippi and Arkansas. A commerical in greater Atlanta area where "75 percent of Georgia parents with overweight kids don't recognize the problem."
It is not that parents do not recognize problem however its society that makes it extremely difficult to manage and causes children to over eat due to depression and being at the tail of someone's fat joke. As a community we need to reach out to our obese children and offer support not persecution of emotion to the troubling child.
These commercials are part of an Anti-Obesity campaign in Atlanta that is geared towards children as a "Stop Sugarcoating It Georgia" because of the adult like diseases such as High Blood Pressure , Type 2 Diabetes, Knee Replacements, Gastric Bypasses, Lap Bands and other complications that children shouldn't have. The ads are intended to inform and shock viewers but are having a controversial outcome. Children who view ads and billboards have a positive and negative affect. Some want to make changes in their diets, drink water instead of sugary drinks, reductions portions of intake, can reducing fast food. Others may want to do less physical activity because of fear of being talked about.
This is a medical crisis and also a community goal to inform and not intimidating to the people that it targets. Recognizing that these children have feelings and not portraying them with negativity will cause crisis to be alleviated. Teaching children of the importance of a healthy lifestyle can increase their life expectancy. Incorporating healthier meal plans into our agenda, reducing fast food intake, and increasing physical activity will make a more immediate impact. This encourages adults, teachers, and parents to follow an appropriate course of action to tackle this health crisis.