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Is Gatsby Indeed Great as a Person?

Essay by   •  April 25, 2017  •  Essay  •  733 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,631 Views

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        Is Gatsby Indeed Great as a Person?


        Gatsby is indeed great as as a person. The whole perception of his optimism, his devotion to his dreams, and passion. These are all qualities that exemplify his greatness. Gatsby's character is presented as being great in several senses, such as being optimistic, his devotion to his dreams, and passion. The way he is perceived, his potential, his greatness is only limited to an extent.

        Gatsby’s character is constantly displayed. He is often optimistic about getting Daisy back. Even when she could not tell him that she was only in love with him or only wanted to be with him. There were obstacles constantly being thrown his way and through it all he still never gave up. It just just made him for optimistic and determined. He always kept his eye on his dream.

        Gatsby is a passionate person, not only is he passionate about Daisy, but also passionate about achieving a wealthy extravagant lifestyle. How passionate he is makes him great as a person. The way he is so passionate about Daisy that,”Gatsby bought that house, so that Daisy could be just across the bay.(Fitzgerald78)”This excerpt shows how he pursues his passion of Daisy by impressing her with his beautiful things. He continues to strive for expensive things and aim to fit into the wealthy upper class in which she belongs. He pursues his passion of a wealthy lifestyle without restrictions. All this for the passion he has for Daisy, his passion makes him great.

Gatsby is not perfect, he is great, but he is still flawed. Gatsby is still obsessed, blinded by love, and wealth. Gatsby is still indeed great but the three things are just qualities that do not make him greater than great. Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy. The idea of him and Daisy consumes his life and becomes an obsession. She fell short not of herself, but of Gatsby’s image of her. Although if you really look into it you will realize that Gatsby was not really in love with Daisy but rather obsessed with the idea of who he thought she was. This is where his optimism overrules his obsession. He is optimistic about Daisy being the person who thought he met a while back. He is optimistic that Daisy is the same girl he met, the same girl he has this idea of. He is optimistic that through all the obstacles he has overcome Daisy is going to come back to him. This is why Gatsby is great, because he is constantly looking at the brighter side when it is pretty obvious that she does not only love him.

Being blinded by “love” seems to be Gatsby’s greatest flaw. He believes Daisy is this kind gal that he met. His passion to conquer her is so deep he is blinded by all her negativity. Who says being passionate towards Daisy is bad? Sure, we can all see how deceiving Daisy is, but Gatsby on the other hand is truly passionate towards her. How deep Gatsby passion runs is what makes him great as a person, to still have passion for someone after years.

Wealth is constantly displayed, showing how Gatsby went from having nothing to becoming this rich man. Although wealth can be seen as a negative thing it plays an enormous role. Gatsby’s devotion to his dreams, Daisy, was what got him rich. He knew Daisy wanted someone with money and status, so that is exactly what Gatsby did. He devoted his life to become something and for that he is great.



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