Investigating into the Causes and Effects of Absenteeism
Essay by Nicolas • July 4, 2011 • Research Paper • 6,390 Words (26 Pages) • 3,389 Views
Background to the Study
The Longman's dictionary defined education as the process by which one's mind develops through learning at school, college or university. It is universal practice engaged in societies in all stages of development and it is something every nation wants for its people. This ensured the sustainability of the development effort of a nation.
For a country like Ghana to be recognise and ranked a great nation among others, education should be one of the criteria that could be measured or judged with; hence the academic level and attainment of its people needs to be considered greatly.
However, this goal cannot be reached when there is a high level of absenteeism in the country's schools. It is f or this reason that the researcher took it upon himself to embark and investigate into the problem of absenteeism among JHS one A pupils of Kpong R/C JHS and develop strategies to curb the situation.
One could see it as a social canker which has become an immoral attitude eating into the live of the people. It is seen everywhere in communities which now raise hectic debates to minds of people.
Also absenteeism may be looked at without any considerable impact, but it is consequences on the individuals and the nation could be spoken of as disastrous. In the classroom, absenteeism always retards academic progress of pupils.
It is a fact if a situation like this is in the classroom, teaching work becomes difficult. It was observed by the researcher at his present school which is by name Kpong R/C JHS that most of the pupils do not come to school on some particular days which makes them loses many lessons. Therefore performs poorly during both internal and external examinations.
In spite of efforts in place by the Ghana Government, thus Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE); implementation of free feeding program in some schools to help solve problems associated with poor academic performance in Ghanaian schools which absenteeism is one, most schools the researcher came into contacts with and observed are still confronted with the problem of absenteeism.
Kpong is a small town in the Lower Manya Krobo District that can be located in Eastern Region. Their main occupation is farming which often keeps pupils busy helping their parents since it is the only source of income from which school fees are paid. Pupils who spend most of their time helping their parents do not come to school regularly.
The researcher has acknowledged the problem and therefore wishes to contribute his quota to solving the problem.
Statement of the Problem
In the school, the researcher observed that most pupils do not come to school regularly hence perform poorly to almost every aspect of academic activities.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study will be focusing on the following objectives which the researcher intends to achieve at the end of the research.
a) To identify the causes of absenteeism among 1A pupils of Kpong R/C JHS
b) To identify effect of absenteeism of Pupils of Kpong R/C JHS
c) To develop strategies to curb absenteeism in Kpong R/C JHS
d) To create awareness and promote the interest of parents in their involvement to improve the educational standard of their wards,
Significant of the Study
The significant of the study is to make known to the teachers, parents, concern stakeholders and educationist the causes and effects of absenteeism and how the problem could be curbed. This will also increase the knowledge base of the teacher on the problem of absenteeism and how the knowledge gained could be used in solving similar problems.
This study also aims at drawing the attention of the government, policy makers as well as other stakeholders to draw policies that will go a long way to minimize this problem of absenteeism in our basic schools.
Also the significance of this study is to draw the attention of parents to focus their attentions on their children's education. It will also inform curriculum planners to include some activities that are not :"bookish" in nature into school curriculum which will help keep pupils in school regularly.
Finally, the absence of absenteeism among pupils will help them perform well and this will be a credit for them and the entire nation.
The researcher faced problems of unavailability of literature and references books. Because the school of the researcher is a typical farming community. Apart from Mount Mary Training College Library, there is no place for referencing. Therefore it is not easy getting information. Pupils on the other hand were not willing to express views on the problem due to lack of control over the English Language.
Concerning the problem of absenteeism the study was confined to only 1A pupils of Kpong R/C J.H.S but not the whole school. Though the problem cut across almost all the schools in the area, the study was narrowed to only 1A pupils in her school; Kpong R/C J.H.S.
Organisation of the Study
Chapter one comprises the background of the study where circumstances surrounding the problem was discussed. Statements of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, limitation and how the whole study was organised.
Chapter two provides the literature review to the topic. What different authors pointed out about the topic?
Chapter three outlines methodology used in acquiring data. It talked about the research design, population and intervention.
The fourth chapter deals with the results and findings and its discussions. The last chapter contains the summary, the conclusion and the recommendations needed by other researchers and stakeholders.
This chapter is the review of the related literature. The chapter what people have said earlier about the research topic
According to Hendrikz E (1986), a great nuisance to the teacher or the class is the child continually absents himself or herself from school.