Internship at Dubai Port World
Essay by Siddharth Raasam • January 30, 2018 • Research Paper • 4,333 Words (18 Pages) • 1,191 Views
DP World Chennai,
Industry Guide: N. Ebenson, Operations manager
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Post Graduate Programme in Management at TAPMI, Manipal by:
Name: Siddharth Raasam
Roll No:16F160
Batch: 2016 - 18
Date: 26/5/2017
Problem area identified at CCTL specific to operations department is, there exists hold up of containers either on wharf side on the container vessel or at the container yard due to lack of synergy in the working of interdependent port assets namely human capital and equipment such as QC, RTG and ITV.
The methodology used in case of first project to evaluate the requirement of automatic OOG spreader frame involves analyzing number of OOG moves performed for a stipulated time period from old IAL’s received by CCTL prior to berthing of every vessel and classification on type of spreader used. The time consumption across manual spreader, sling and required automatic spreader is observed to calculate net time loss and other secondary benefits are analyzed.
In case of second project three key areas noted from observation list required recommendations in achieving synergy across port assets starting with –
- ITV operation with flexible allocation
- ITV integration with display unit
- Monitoring RTG operator accountability for unproductivity using RFID tags
The above evaluation required analysis of similar systems at other terminals, features expected, scope of integration and feasibility of usage.
On analysis of first project we can observe that OOG’s are handled by either manual spreader or slings based on their height and load, further on deriving the time consumed across each spreader it can be observed that there has been a net time loss of around 125 hours during 6months of OOG data considered from Oct 2016 to Mar 2017 due to usage of manual OOG spreader and slings instead of proposed automatic spreader. Analysis of safety issues showcased that usage of automatic spreader in handling OOG’s reduces risk of fatality or incidents to a great extent as manual intervention is reduced and also secondary benefits such as power saving due to reduction in cycle time of handling OOG, improved vessel turnaround time provides better incentive pay from shipping liners.
Analysis of three key areas specific to second project provide plans which are readily available or customizable in achieving synergy across various assets.
In conclusion it can be stated that there is immediate requirement to procure an automatic OOG spreader on wharf side considering the ROI and other benefits specific to CCTL.
Finally, it can be recommended that ITV integration with display unit in sync with TOS, ITV operation with flexible allocation helps in idle time reduction and monitoring RTG operator accountability for unproductivity using RFID tags leads to optimization of assets, better customer relation and increase in volumes.
CHPT - Chennai Port trust
CCTL - Chennai Container Terminal Limited
TAMP - Tariff Authority for Major Ports
DP World - Dubai Ports World
QC - Quay cranes
RTG - Rubber tire gantry
ITV - Internal terminal vehicle
ICD - Inland container depot
CFS - Container freight station
SEZ - Special economic zone
COA - Container operating agent
VOA - Vessel operating agent
TOS - Terminal operating system
OOG - Out of gauge
IAL - Import advance list
SWL - Safe Working Load
RS - Reach stacker
EXIM - Export Import
PPE - Personal protection equipment
PLC - Program logic control
VMT - Vehicle mounted terminal
RDT – Radio data terminal
ECH – Empty container handler
Principal activity – Chennai Container Terminal Ltd is managed by D P world, Chennai under a 30year Build-Operate-Transfer agreement set up with the Chennai Port Trust of the Government of India. DP world operates business across Marine and inland terminals, Maritime services, offering logistics and ancillary services along with providing technology-driven trade solutions. DPW has been worlds 3rd largest ports operator with 3quarters of total 4,163 Million USD revenue coming from container operations in 2016.
Along Chennai seashore maritime trade dates back to 1639, DP world Chennai operations commenced in 2001 as only container vessel/ships berthing terminal with 4 berths. Operations at CCTL involve berthing of container vessels on wharf siding along with their loading and unloading, receipt and dispatch of containers from/to Inland container depot, Container freight station and Special economic zone.
Prime goal – DP world pledges to provide World Class port services and a value-for-money product offering to the trade community, through highly motivated and innovative employee workforce
Position – After touching a business volume of 1 million TEU within 348 days during calendar year 2007 when CCTL was the only container terminal around Chennai, with competition arriving within Chennai port and other nearby ports opening container handling berths and terminals starting from 2010 the volume has been on falling trend for past 6 years where the current volume stands at 0.65 million TEU’s for calendar year 2016. The projected volume for 2017 has been 0.68 TEU’s which is a difficult task to achieve going by the volume achieved in the 1st quarter of 2017.