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Informative Speech

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  1. There is no clear-cut way to describe how a person falls in love with someone. Many time, people explain falling in love as having “just happened”. Love is usually something beyond our control, and often we do not get to choose the people we fall in love with. As we know, there is no “right” age or “perfect time” to fall in love.
  2. Falling in love is like being ‘high’ on drugs. As Kesha Rose Sebert, an American singer said: “your love, your love, your love is my drug” (YouTube,2010). Surprisingly, these works are accurate considering the similarities that happen in our brain when we fall in love and when we use drugs.
  3. According to Dr Steve Stassi in October of 2013, as everyone is designed to crave love and affection. This applies to every people.
  4. I am here to inform about the chemistry behind falling in love.
  5. I will begin by explaining what love is. After that, I will continue to the chemicals that released during a short-term relationship and end on what chemicals are released during a long-term relationship.


  1. Firstly, what is love?
  1.  According to the Merriam-Webster, the definition of love is a feeling of strong or constant attraction for a person. When we think of love, we think of it as more of a recreational activity. For example, we come home from a long day at work and meet our significant other and it’s kind of fun light-hearted thing.
  2. We are biologically designed to fall in love in order to reproduce. This allows our species to grow, to be inherited, and evolve for hundreds of years together.
  3. We can also fall in love subconsciously and you might not even know that it’s happening, but it is. There are small muscular twitches that go on in your face when you are communicating someone, and you can be attracted to that.  There is something called the human and carry right and to do which is just a fancy way of saying how you smell, you can smell somebody and subconsciously you are being attracted to them.
  4. According to Linda Blair, a writer and clinical psychologist, on July 2010, a survey shows that one in five adults claim to be ‘in love with someone other than their partner’. The ‘other’ can be definite as a friend or colleague. It shows that people often confuse the feeling of lust and love.
  5. Lust is a very temporary feeling solely based on physical attraction. These are the chemical that releasing your brain and they are very temporary. This is not means that lust cannot turn into love, but it is definitely not a same thing.
  1. Secondly, the chemicals that are released during a short-term relationship is dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin.
  1. According to Peggy Gish and Martin Shapiro, both professors of human sexuality at Fresno State. They discuss the three main chemicals that are released during the short-term relationship which are dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin.
  2. Dopamine is the feeling of being on cloud nine. You also get this feeling when you have a large intake of sugar or when you use drugs.
  3. Noradrenaline is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body as a hormone and neurotransmitter. It is similar to adrenaline rush. It produces the racing heart and excitement. This is more of the physical symptoms of falling in love such as sweaty palms, your heart pounding or the butterflies in your stomach.
  4. Serotonin is present in many other aspects of your life other than falling in love and it is the chemical of mood balance. In the aspect of follow your love, serotonin is the reason you might have an obsession, or you might lose sleep over someone.
  1. Lastly, the chemicals that is released when a long-term relationship happened oxytocin.
  1. According to the article “How Love Works” written by Lee Ann Obringer published in February of 2005, she discussed that a short-term relationship lost between two to three years before it transitions into long-term relationship. It means the chemicals in short-term relationship have worn off.
  2. Oxytocin is the new chemical that will release in our brain. Oxytocin helps bond the relationship. The researchers at University of California, San Francisco said, oxytocin has been shown to be associated with the ability to maintain a healthy interpersonal relationships and healthy psychological boundaries with other people. Oxytocin also present in a relationship between a mother and her child when giving birth or breastfeeding. This is a bond that a mother and the child have that is instantaneous and cannot be broken.
  3. Another way of oxytocin is released when you are sexually involved with someone, you might think them all the time and have the sort of bond that you cannot explain word by word.
  4. According to Telegram writer, Maria Fitzpatrick in August of 2014, there are many ways to bring back some of the chemicals from your short-term relationship into long-term relationship. She suggests that you may take on some life’s new challenges such as getting married, having children, buying a house, or finding your dream career.


  1. Love is a chemical state of mind which is part of our genes and is influenced by our upbringing. Love is different from lust, lust is on temporary feeling with someone on physical attraction and purpose of sexual mating. However, fall in love with someone will proceed to short-term relationship or long-term relationship.
  2. Chemicals released during a short-term relationship are dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. These chemicals will cause nervous, obsession, or lose sleep because missing someone.
  3. However, oxytocin will release when short-term relationship evolve into long-term relationship.


“Your love, your love, your love is my drug”, (Kesha Rose Sebert, 2010). Retrieved on October 27, 2018 from,

Linda Blair (July 14, 2010).  Mistaking lust for love. Retrieved on October 27, 2018 from,

Dalton Runberg (February 13, 2013) Our chemical romance: The science behind love. Retrieved on October 27, 2018 from,



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