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Information About the Drug Hydrocordone

Essay by   •  May 5, 2012  •  Essay  •  956 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,524 Views

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The drug I chose to write about is called Hydrocodone. I am on this medication and have been for about two years. Prior to that I was on a drug called Darvocet N-100, which was a painkiller but there had been issues with the F.D.A. and the deaths associated with it. This medication is used as a painkiller Darvocet N-100 and Hydrocodone both have about the same effect since I have taken it personally. Hydrocodone is an opiate and can be used in with other drugs for many things. This can even be used to control a nagging cough when mixed correctly with other drugs.

It can come about in any form you can think of liquid and others, but the extended release form should not be broken up. This painkiller has a huge list of other drugs that you should tell your Dr. about before he prescribes you anything. Always tell your Dr. and pharmacist all the drugs you are taking even vitamins. Many people who acquire illegal drugs go "Dr. shopping." This means that they see more than one Dr. to get more of the medicines they want, but mostly when they are being used illegally.

There are almost as many side-effects from this drug as there are from any drug out there and that was directly from my pharmacist. But some of the major warning signs to look for are widened pupils, shallow breathing, stopped heartbeat, excessive sleepiness and even death.

The list of this particular drug also has about as many other brand names as there are banks, no actually probably more, two pages full. Hydrocodone is the drug that is closest to morphine. That is why so many people try to get their hands on it.

First of all it is a known fact that prescription drugs are the largest form of illegal used drugs in the U.S. The drug hydrocodone makes you feel relaxed and if used for the right reason helps control the pain to a point that you are almost out of it, the pain.

This particular drug is the highest according to the D.E.A. drug used by all age groups. There are no statistics on demographics, but it is prevalent among children. That is why you will see so many ads on T.V. about locking your medicine cabinets just for that reason.

Now, I will tell you my own personal reason for taking hydrocodone. I have a rare disease called "Cushing's. I am not going to get in to that because it is very rare and took me three years and fifteen Doctors later to find out what I had. But it is very interesting and I would be glad to tell any of you anything you would like to know. The one thing I will say I went blind, lost my hair twice, was in a wheel chair and was unrecognizable. I self- diagnosed myself, narrowed it down to the top three hospitals in the country that handled it and flew in four days later. Mine was a pituitary tumor and the first day at the May Clinic in MN. I was diagnosed and told I had a week to live at the most. I had the second highest cortisol level on record which affects Cushing's.

This disease



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