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Imaginary Pod

Essay by   •  February 9, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,756 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,310 Views

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Imaginary Pod

First of all, I found out that ceramics is affected by environments around. For example, humidity and temperature effect to hardness of the clay. Therefore, everyday has different situation to build a ceramic. I think that is why making ceramics was really hard for me but when I could create an object that what I wanted make me happy. Since this assignment is making an imaginary pod in my head, I do not have to deal with the environments so it would make my life much easier.

First step, I need to think what I am going to make so I can decide how much clay I need to use and how to build it. For this assignment, I decided to make a big cookie jar about ten-inch height. I chose it because I love cookies and I tried so many times to build it in real, but I was not good enough to build it.

Second step, I need to cut out chunks of clay from the big lump of clay. To make the cookie jar, I need least two different objects, which are the pod part and the lid part. Since the pod is ten inch tall, I need to cut out about four lbs of chunk for the pod part and half lbs of chunk for the lid part. I usually cut out two or three same amount of chunks in the beginning because I screw up few times. However, I am not going to fail in the imagination so I only need a four lbs of chunk and a half lbs of chunk each.

Third step, I need to work the clay thoroughly before I start making the object. I should make it sure the clay does not contain air bubble because it will destroy the object when it burns in the kiln. Also, the table that work with should be clean and dried so I can keep the clay clean. Then, after worked the clay thoroughly, form a ball shape and take it next to the wheel.

Fourth step, I should prepare tools that I need to make it on the wheel. What I need are, a bucket filled up with water, a sponge, a spatulas, a needle tool, a string, scraping tool, a curving tool, a green rubber under cover for the board, and a board for the wheel. I should make sure the board is clean and flat. Also, I always wear an apron to not get dirty from the work.

Fifth step, it is time to throw the clay on the wheel. Place the green rubber on the wheel, and then place the board nicely flat. Start the wheel with slow pace and whip it with the sponge that a little bit wet so the board is not soaked with water but a little bit humid. Then, grab the four lbs chunk and throw it on the center of the board. Add water on the clay and start the wheel. I should make sure the speed is medium fast. It should be not too fast, but not too slow.

Sixth step, I need to center the clay. This is a challenge part for me to explain in words... place left hand on the left side of the clay and attach right hand on top of the clay. Make sure both hands are touching each other at the time. Use right hand palms to press down the clay and use left hand palms to keep in the same place. At the time, it would be easier to place both arms on the legs to lock the arms to not move. If the clay in not centered yet, I should press left hand palm harder from the side and guide it with right hand palm to place in the right shape. I should continuously repeat to do those actions until the clay placed in the center. If the clay seems like placed in the center, I should use a finger to feel the surface of the clay and make it sure the clay is placed in the center. In case, I feel a little wavy on the surface, I should try again the centering process. If I think every parts of the surface is nicely smooth and centered, I should mover on to the next step. I believe the centering part is the most important part of building a ceramic object so I should not move on to the next step until I feel hundred percents sure the clay is placed in centered.

Seventh step, build up the clay and make a cylinder. In first, place the left hand on the left side of the clay for the guide the right hand. Use two fingers on the right side and make a hole in the middle of the clay. At the time, right hand should all ways touching the left hand to guide it. I should dig down straight until I feel quarter or half inch above from the bottom than bend fingers towards me and bring up the clay to the top. At the time, left hand



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