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I Believe Case

Essay by   •  March 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  581 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,548 Views

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Before I took this course I'd always thought I was an A writer. I could fluff my way out of a box, never did I worry that my paragraphs were too short or too vague. No one ever told me about my sentence structure or commented on my comma usage. But for the past few months you've been a ringing voice in the back of my head, telling me to push myself farther and to work for my grade. You've pushed me to know my flaws and my talents as a writer, to reread and correct past assignments to create an amazing final, and you've shown me the reason for each correction. When I walked into your classroom I had potential, you've given me the drive to prove to not only you but also to my myself that I could be an even greater writer.

These two projects have made me realize both my flaws and talents as a writer. Two months ago when I walked into your classroom, I thought I was going to breeze by just as easy as I'd done in high school. But now, I see the areas in which I lacked and can now understand how to be the A writer I once thought I was. It certainly didn't come easy, I was shocked to see an F on my first assignment. After I got over the anger, I began to really look into what I'd done wrong and with your constant reminders I have began to produce some great papers. Peer revisions and one on one time with you have shown me that I write the way I would speak, I tend to ramble on throughout my writing. You've shown me how to add punctuation to create the long, flowy sentences people like to see in academic writing. I started this class without the knowledge of how to use of any prewriting tools such as drats or brainstorming, but with your help I use these techniques and have been producing better papers. There is much more I need to learn but in all I like to believe that I am a good writer, with practice and time I can produce A+ papers.

I've always tried to make my first draft as good as possible so I'd never have to write a second or third. You've completely destroyed my papers, pointing out error after error that I'd somehow missed. You have allowed me the opportunity to try again and produce bettter work. I am confident in my final drafts because you've forced me to go through them over and over again. With the help of peer revisions and the experience of working in class and having you there for guidance reallys gives me the asssurance I need to provide good work. My belief essay started with no organization and has now become something I am very proud of. It once only made sense to me, but now with the help I received I believe it to be relateable to many people at all different stages of life. And my expert paper allows any reader inside of my neat trick, it quickly became my favorite and I think it allowed me to find something cool about myself. The confidence I got from realizing my expertise in baking carried out throughout my essay. I believe both essays



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