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I Am Hungry

Essay by   •  March 18, 2012  •  Essay  •  470 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,456 Views

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How fast will water, liquid detergent, cooking oil, and molasses flow?

Background Information:

* Viscosity is the measure of how fast a fluid will flow. It is the "thickness" or "thinness" of a fluid.

* Flow rate is the volume of fluid that passes a point on a ramp,in this case, in a certain amount of time.


If we pour water, liquid detergent, molasses, and cooking oil down the ramp then molasses will have the slowest flow rate. This is because there is an idiom that something is as slow as molasses. This refers to something very slow. I think that water will be the quickest because I have observed it slide down windows on rainy days very quickly.

Experimental Design:

We want to observe how fast different liquids flow down a ramp. The thing that will be changed to test my hypothesis is the type of liquid. What I am trying to measure and observe is the flow rate of each liquid. All of the materials that will be kept the same are the elevation of the ramp,the volume of each liquid, the timer, the marchall, the spoon person, and the room temperature.

Materials and Equipment:

-ramp with smooth surface


-measuring spoon(15 mL) with rounded bottom




-paper towels

-soap to clean ramp surface with

-15 mL water, cooking oil, liquid detergent, honey, and molasses


The steps I will take are

1) Draw a line acroos the width of the ramp,approximately 10 cm from the top. Draw on dot in the centre of the line an another dot just above it. When you place the measuring spoon on the dot and rock the spoon forward, the lip of the spoon will touch the top line. This is the start mark.

2) Draw a finish line 30 cm below the top line. Then assemble the apparatus.

3) Measure the temperatue of the room and record in my notbook.

4) Make a data table with the following column headings:





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