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Humanities - Arts

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Week 2 Application Perception Keys

Mark Alan Mitchell

Walden University


For my final project, I've chosen to see the theatrical production of Charles Dickens' classic

"A Christmas Carol". My experience with this type of art form doesn't extend beyond my grade school

days with field trips to theaters to reward us for the year of hard work and to expose us to different

forms of art. My last theater experience during school was at Akron U's EJ Thomas Art's Hall to see

Marcel Marceau. I was in awe of the large hall, the performance of the stage and the reaction of the

Audience. Not that I had forgotten, but I hadn't thought of this performance for years until reading the

Drama chapter.

Music and movies would have been an option and were actually my first thought. The memories

from the theater experience convinced me that this would be the final project meant for me. I will be

attending the performance of "A Christmas Carol" at Playhouse Square in Cleveland in December. That

being said, the perception keys I've chosen are from Chapter 8, Drama.

"Perception Key" Hegel, Chapter 8, page 220, the art associated with these questions is Drama.

1. Hegel, if our interpretation is accurate, apparently presumes that all human beings have good

intentions. But what about Lago in Othello? Or Hitler or Stalin?

Othello's Lago's intentions are honesty, reliability and direct speaking. He is actually referred to as

"Honest Lago". His detrimental attributes are described as a liar, making promises when he has no

intentions to keep, telling embellished stories in order to lead other characters down a path to

destruction. Lago, in the end, is a villain who doesn't appear to be what he is (Mabillard).

By no means, endorsing his philosophy or actions, Hitler did have some accomplishments prior to

war. One of his early policies was to enact preventative health care initiatives such as smoking cessation,

breast cancer and diet/nutrition to improve one's overall health (he was a non-smoking, vegetarian).

He improved the transportation system by initiating the Autobahn, connecting major German cities with

each other, and developed the "people's car", the Volkswagon which was to be an affordable option for


the average German citizen. Revival of the German economy when its' citizens were barely surviving in

poverty and hyperinflation, ironically accomplished with the assistance of socialism in which he

detested. These initiatives were early in his presidency and the initiatives (not sure I would use the term

good intentions) came with a severe price with millions perishing and plunging the world into war


Again, by no means of endorsing him, Stalin was instrumental in promoting Russian Art, history and

Literature. By promoting music, sculpture and painting reversed decades of neglect. Russia was

advanced into the 20th century and instrumental in creating the USSR into a world power. One are

not measurable was the resurgence in national pride and self-esteem for the Russian people. Despite

these accomplishments, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of millions, either through his purging of

the general populace and frequent famines which he would never address (Pandita).

All of these initiatives came with severe detriments to their fellow countrymen and associates.

These moral and ethical decisions would be better addressed by philosophers with the question

"do the ends justify the means".

2. Examine Miller's Death of a Salesman. Is Hegel's explanation of that tragedy more illuminating than


No,at least not in my opinion.Hegel's explanation would be that the good intentions of both, Willy and

Biff, collide. In reality, Willy is pressuring Biff to be something he isn't while Biff wants to do what makes

him the



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