Human Resource Management
Essay by Marc • January 28, 2012 • Essay • 522 Words (3 Pages) • 2,027 Views
Human Resource Management
Marc Weiss
Colorado Technical University
Professor: Phyllis Parise
August 17, 2011
In understanding, the importance of developing a diverse workforce and the challenges that the human resources department faces in implementing detail the requirements and/or obstacles that HR may face performing this strategic function. This will provide HR with the information they facilitate accurate guidance for managers and leaders in an effective manner. Effectively utilize resources such as the EEOC website to provide information related to topics such as:
* Defining diversity
* Key elements that create a diverse workplace
* Legal requirements to be diverse
* Recommended steps to create a diverse workforce
* Monitoring steps to employ that would ensure accomplishment
In an effort to facilitate this request, we first must begin by accurately defining the term diversity. To paraphrase Merriam-Websters dictionary, diversity is meeting a condition or instance of being composed of a variety of elements. In particular to include people from a variety of different races, religions and/or cultures into ones organization of group such as a school or workplace. (Merriam-Webster, 2011) Having this definition specifically brings us right into the pairing of terms that is often heard when discussing this topic, diversity and inclusion, the two go hand-in-hand. More often than not these two terms are heard together when referencing this topic and rightly so. If you "include" all types of personnel when building your workforce, you will wind up with a diverse workforce.
This leads to the two key elements that will foster the creation of a diverse workforce. These are implementation consistency and management accountability. It is fine to have a diversity policy in the workplace, however, if these two key elements are not employed the success potential is minimal. To expound upon the consistent and equitable application of this policy in the workplace, that refers to ensuring that these policies are being applied throughout divisions, not hit or miss throughout the corporation. Regarding the management accountability aspect it is imperative that the management chain within the corporation is held accountable for adhering or applying these policies within the workplace. Otherwise, we have an excellent process that isn't being utilized;