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Horse & Goats

Essay by   •  May 29, 2012  •  Essay  •  256 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,741 Views

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Horse &Goats are very beneficial.once upon a time there lived a goat,and two horse .the goat was very clever,but the horses were extremely stupid.onr day the sun was baking it was a very hot day.the plants died ,the animals were very tired some even died.there lived a lion in the forest who ate all the animals in tfe forest,one day the lion got very ill,he sent his slave fox to find some delicious food 0r animal for him,but the fox after seversl tries got nothing so he rested beside a river but suddenly saw the two horses and veru cleverly convinced him to go along with him,the horse went and the lion was waiting for them the lion ate them the goat very cleverly escaped thus this story tells us about the false friendship life is game to play people play games in life there is no happiness in our lives peole but life should be enjoyed why we should cry we should be happy we shoud flu weavery happy no one can steal haapp we vweyut goof wer are very happy i lie my life the sun is shinin ww aq happy and ee be haoopu there are great pains in life b ur rty

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