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Honesty Case

Essay by   •  December 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  477 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,474 Views

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Honesty is being sincere, truthful, trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and loyal with integrity. But others might just know it as being honest or telling the truth. Honesty is a big part of life. As well as it being a big part of life, it also feels good to tell the truth and be honest. If you are honest to yourself and to others then that's one less thing you have to worry about. Honesty is the key to trust. When you do something with complete honesty, you give your heart to it. This not only improves the quality of work that you do, but also enhances the bond that you share with people around.

Honesty at home is a great deal. There is nothing more that parents like than for their kid to be honest with them and with themselves. If you are not honest to your parents than how would you expect them to trust you any time you speak? Honesty is a part of responsibility. Responsibility comes with doing chores around the house like for instance, taking out the garbage, washing the dishes, making your bed, mowing the lawn, doing laundry, ect. When somebody lies they are cheating themselves and the person or people they are lying to. If there's not honesty between parents and children, there won't be trust or closeness in your family either.

Honesty is also a big role inside of school. One of the biggest pet peeves of teachers is when someone copies another student. If the teacher would ever confront that student, 9 out of 10 times the student would lie and say he/she wasn't. Telling the truth about that would probably get you some consequences but the teacher would probably gain some trust within you. Honesty is also big in a relationship with a girlfriend/boyfriend or just a friend. When you have honesty in a relationship you feel closer to that person. You don't want to keep anything from your other half, because if you keep a secret from them it could ultimately make or break your relationship.

Honesty in your community can help or hurt your reputation as a person. When you're honest it obviously helps your reputation, but when you lie, it hurts it. When you're honest, people usually can count on you in your community. If you're known as a liar then people want nothing to do with you. Honesty keeps you stress free. Imagine if you did a bad thing and lied about it, the impulse knowing you could get caught or felling bad about it would keep you sleepless and would distract you. Lying leads to bad decisions, which leads to consequences. Lying can be good, like for instance, if you are lying to protect someone or if it's for that persons own good then it could be alright. Honesty is the best POLICY.



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