History Exam 1 Outline
Essay by mmartinez108 • March 31, 2016 • Essay • 395 Words (2 Pages) • 1,446 Views
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Matthew Martinez
Dr. Pamela Smith
History Exam 1 Outline
- Topic: How did people of different backgrounds promote or resist the mobilization for war and the growing American influence abroad?
- Attention Grabber: Talk about how the people of the untied states tried to expand in foreign countries and what happened with the people of those countries and what they did to establish control and dominance of these countries.
- Thesis Statement: Give a brief summary of the primary sources you’re going to use, “The March of the Flag”, “Hawaii’s Last Queen”, and “Open Letter to President McKinley by Colored People of Massachusetts”
- First Main Point: Talk about the march of the flag. Who wrote it? Why was it written? Who was the intended audience and who was affected by this Article?
- Supporting Material: Pull quotes or statements from the reading of the article.
- Supporting Material: Incorporate facts and details from notes, slides, text book.
- Second Main Point: Discuss What the, “Hawaii’s Last Queen” was about. What was happening at this time in history? Who was affected? How did this help shape todays society?
- Supporting Material: Pull some facts from the video to support my claim
- Supporting Material: From the video what was the result from the annexation from the US in 1898.
- Third Main Point: Discuss the letter that was written to President McKinley and its importance to this particular period in time.
- Supporting Material: Discuss the point the African Americans were trying to get across to President McKinley and how they felt about the way the people in the other countries were getting treated.
- Pull some quotes from the primary source to help back up my claim
- Final Point: Incorporate each primary source and talk about their relevance and similarities.
- Supporting Material: Pull key points from each source that support my claim.
- Supporting Material: How big of an impact have each of these primary sources played in this part of history?
- Transition to end: Re-emphasize my question and what I have just talked about and what I was talking about.
- Review: What were the primary sources about and why did I choose these particular sources to be used as critical evidence
- Closing Statement: How did American expansion affect those of minority and the way society was in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth.
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