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Hiring Managers

Essay by   •  November 25, 2012  •  Essay  •  690 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,421 Views

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* People skills

* Being more then a reviewer of resumes.

* Being honest and upfront about the process and the companies desires in an opportunity

* Make a two way street, listen half of the time speak half of the time.

Engage the person on a higher level then the standard HR type of questions

* Why did you leave ABC company

* What did you do at ABC company

* Why are you a fit for this role

* What about you makes you a candidate

I would say there are times for these questions, but you can fit them in to a conversation and not a bulleted style HR drilling. But the concept of an educational conversation to learn about people seems to be a area that HR can improve on. They need to engage people like they are learning about a friend or a colleague and not a interrogation. I have seen great people leave an interview vowing to never work for a company due to the HR interrogation methods. This person vowing to never work for the company may never have the skills to work for the company, but he/she works with other skilled people that he will talk to about his experience. In the hiring process in most medium to large companies HR is the face of the company for a prospective hire. They really need to understand that and if they come of a little harsh that is the perspective on the company as a whole.

I also think HR needs to give the complete, solid ( be it legal ) contructive feedback on why they did not hire the person. They need to give it to them so that person can better themselves the next interview. This will leave the candidate with a better feel and appreciation for the company. He/She might even refer someone to you that would be a great candidate and then you win just for helping someone else whom did not make the cut.

I would also say the HR needs to know the business or division they are hiring for. HR does not need to be a knowledge master of the work the company is doing; but enough when they speak to talented candidates they can represent the company in a higher arena of thought then their competitor.

Hiring managers is another animal to tackle. Hiring managers need to act with urgency in hiring, as the top skill people are getting fewer and fewer, especially ones with deep experience. They need to act and not delay interviews or meetings. One, it make the hiring manager look as if he/she has no time management ability which can lead someone to wonder about leadership ability. A hiring manager needs to set up appointments and not break them over golf, or other activities that are not direct money making for the company or large fires they need to put out for their clients.



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