Hawk and Prey by Nykole Hotaling 2012
Essay by Maxi • July 14, 2012 • Essay • 4,795 Words (20 Pages) • 1,810 Views
Hawk and Prey
"Ayy ladies...yea...if you know you bad...yea" was the song that was playing. I will never forget that night or that moment. The moment that showed me the definition of what 'life changing experience' actually meant. It was a Saturday night and we were feeling crazy and I needed some people crazy enough to help me with my audition video for a reality show called The Bad Girls Club. My roommate who also happens to be my ex, was dating someone who was as crazy as me in that category and had some friends that were too and agreed to help me out that night. We got a VIP booth and a bottle of Vodka for our group and let the fun begin. Did I mention however, the crazy came in our outfits of choice. We all decided to wear our sexiest lingerie out to the club that night. We expected to have lots of people gawk at us and tell us we were dumb, but in fact we got quite the opposite reaction. It also could have something to do with the fact that we were in a LGBT club called Revolutions in Orlando. So I assume a bunch of lesbians and drag queens were going to be happy to see some pretty girls in lingerie having a good time in VIP. The owner of the club is a good friend of ours and hooked us up as always and made sure we had our red rope and all. So that night was also the night that I proclaimed I would be single forever and never try and seek out the whole relationship thing ever again. That night marked exactly 2 ½ years I had been single, with no luck of finding someone that I could see myself with for a long time. Which made the events of the night even more interesting.
After we were all done taking pictures at the house in our lingerie before leaving, we took a few shots just to help calm our nerves. I mean, we were about to be 6 women walking in lingerie in a part of Orlando that isn't exactly well known for it's safety at night. Even though we were parking across the street, should the wrong type of individual see us walking in they surely would know where we were going to when we walked out. So in a sense it was an adrenaline kick as well, exciting to be doing something that we know if our mother's knew in advance would have tried to talk us all out of it. We parked the truck and headed inside disguised with long black matching pea coats we decided were necessary being that yes even though it was Florida, it was February and we were wearing lingerie to the club. So we get in get in our booth, wait for our cocktail bucket to arrive, our red rope to be delivered and waited for a good song before we all exposed what we were all wearing under those coats. People were already looking and whispering expecting that a bunch of girls in VIP had obviously been hired entertainment and we were all still holding on to our pea coats tight, so something naughty HAD to be what was hiding underneath.
We pulled the video camera out after we all made a good drink and waited for the perfect song to play for us to strip off our pea coats look into the camera and yell "It's the BAD GIRLS CLUB!" So as everyone expected there was something naughty to be seen, but everyone was enjoying it. Mostly I believe because we could have really been hired entertainment because no sooner did two songs play before one of the drag queens hosting a private show said I had to be a part of it and escorted us into the Majestic Lounge area of the club. After the show that I was encouraged to put on in there I then went back to our VIP booth. We were becoming inpatient. Well I was anyways because I set out the mission in my mind at the beginning of the night that I wanted to get a few numbers of a few good looking women so that I could have fun with them a little later. Maybe when I wasn't wearing lingerie and we were in a normal setting. I am not big at all at meeting girls in the club and then trying to get to know them while they are intoxicated. It is always good to be able to meet someone and they are not as up tight because they have had a few drinks, but I wouldn't want that to be our first 'serious' interaction. Plus you may like someone while they are intoxicated, but not while they are sober, and if the person you are interested in is only interested in you while drinking, that is no good and nothing but trouble can come from those type of interactions.
Being that there were six femmes and only 2 studs my roommate being one of them we used them a little bit like our personal security. Pat and Angie, the two studs of our group of 8 stood in front of the red rope and screened potential ladies for myself, Meagan and Dyemond. We were the single ones of the bunch of us and had specifications for girls that were allowed to proceed to meet us and attempt to spit whatever game they had. I can remember about 5 girls that came over and talked to Pat trying to see if they could come up and talked to me, and Pat did a good job of sticking to the specifications that I laid out at the beginning of the night. I told her that there was a very specific type of woman I was looking for. To be honest I gave her specifications of a woman I didn't think would easily exist because it was all the specifications of my "dream girl" and being that I had only found it once before in my life and things ended so terribly I hadn't been able to have a normal relationship after. It was my way of blocking my heart from being hurt again and knowing that if a girl did meet those specifications I would instantly be weary of my emotions and feelings due to past hurt. At least that was my theory...and as most scientists can tell you, until you test that theory you won't know if you are right or wrong. With little expectations of any woman existing in Orlando that fit these specifications I was almost ready to go down and tell Pat to just look at me and I would nod yes or no to any more girls because I seemed to be the only one who at this point didn't have a dance partner at least in our VIP area. I told Pat and Angie the woman I would allow to come speak to me would be feminine, African-American, about my height, about my size, must be over 21, had to have a gorgeous face, a pretty smile, and a body to die for. I made it clear to both of them that if YOU don't want her INSTANTLY, then neither do I. I seen a few studs come up, and Pat obediently nodded no to them and telling them whatever it was she did, to make them keep walking.
"Ayy ladies...yea...if you know you're bad...yea" I love this song I thought. I was making myself another cocktail. "Nykole, NYK0-LLLLE" Pat yelled to get my attention. I looked up and she was waving for me to come down. There was someone standing on the other side of her. "What was your name again sweetie?" I heard Pat ask this mysterious woman that I couldn't see yet. Pat leaned over