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Harriet Tubman

Essay by   •  November 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  431 Words (2 Pages)  •  6,176 Views

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In my eyes, courage is the strength to accomplish something that others would be afraid to achieve. In other words courage is standing up for something that you believe in no matter how intimidating or challenging it may become. An individual would continue to do what they set out to accomplish no matter what another person had to say about it, or what they tried to do to stop you. I believe my definition of courage is one in the same with what crossing the threshold means.

If you have heard anything about Harriet Tubman, then you will likely agree that she is an excellent example for my definition of courage. This woman is the epitome of courage in general. She believed that ALL slaves including her should be free. Although she didn't free every slave she done everything in her power to free as many as she possibly could. Harriet escaped slavery and worked to support herself and after awhile she decided she was going to help free other slaves. With the risk of being captured always present, she used the Underground Railroad to free as many slaves she could. By the time of Harriet's death she had freed over a thousand people that were doomed with the fate of slavery. She had also purchased a house where elderly, sick, or people suffering from other misfortunes could live and be taken care of.

Miss Tubman was born into the unfortunate live of being a slave, and she crossed the threshold from slavery to freedom. If escaping once was not a big enough risk, she kept going back time and time again to save others affected by slavery and lead them into freedom, each time a new escape. Most women during the time of the Civil War could not even fathom any of the things Harriet Tubman accomplished. She was born poor, and was able to overcome that and make a good living for herself along with her family. Harriet also went on to become a nurse and a spy for the union forces. She risked her own life numerous times to not only assist but benefit complete strangers.

In conclusion, Harriet Tubman was doomed from the start and through strength and perseverance she was able to overcome the greatest obstacle of all, freedom and the freedom of others: I put confidence in the fact that you can achieve anything you set your mind to like Harriet Tubman, with courage.




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