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Guam History Free Association

Essay by   •  May 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,284 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,936 Views

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Free Ass Guam

The time has come to stand proud and grasp the freedom that Guam has long desired and deserved: Free Association. Free association is a form of self governing, freely chosen by the people of Guam without outside interference, in the exercise of their human rights. This will determines Guam's political future, in association with the United States.

Transforming our island "the indigenous people of Guam, which has objectified as a stretigic location and has played and continues to play a crucial role in the overall U.S national economic and military defense scheme..." -Sabina Flores Perez UN special committee of 24. Although this article can be viewed in a agreement to statehood. Free association can include that we can still have a relationship with the United States.

In a free association Guam's relationship to the United States military would not change significantly since their presence on Guam would remain, but in return Guam would be more compensated for US access of land.

The Struggle for Status article states "Guam is a possession but not a part of the United States"-Leland Bettis executive director of the commission on self-determination/decolonization. Under free association Guam's U.S. citizens can still retain their citizenship like the CNMI. Guam's and the United States' relationship will be of equals and defense will be given from the U.S. for lands or other resources from Guam. Guam will no longer be in Possession, but may have the effect of a prized possession for other nations to have compacts with as well.

"Why should non-chamorros care about the future of the Chamorro people" and "the future of the Chamorro people, and all of us who decided to make Guam our home, is embodied in the Guam Commonwealth Act. I want to reaffirm emphatically my support for all the provisions of the commonwealth act, including the indigenous rights clause." -the honorable Madeleine Z. Bordallo Guam's current Congresswoman. Non Chamorros should care because the political status of Guam would affect anyone who calls Guam thei home. A person does not have to indigenous to vote.

The composition of the Guam Hymn was greatly influenced by the cultural and political history of pre-World War II Guam during the Naval Era. It was a time when the island was administered by Naval governors and the speaking and writing of the Chamorro language was discouraged. This is significant to Guam's History for an argument for free association because in a view for Guam in 2050, Guam will have an efficant and strong infrastructure. The Chamorro culture will have a strong presence in everday life. The local schools will have more relevant curriculum: Guam History, culture, and language would play a more prominent role in education.

It was Guam hymn in English in 1919 and translated to Chamorro in the 1970s when Chamorros were experiencing a resurgence of pride in the language and culture.

The Guam hymn, or Kantikun Guahan, more commonly known as Fanohge Chamorro, was written and composed by Dr. Ramon Manilisay Sablan, the island's first Chamorro medical doctor, and an outspoken Chamorro rights activist. Fanohge Chamorro was adopted as the official song of the territory in 1919 and translated into Guam's native language, Chamorro, by Lagrimas Leon Guerrero Untalan in 1974.

Chamorros, the indigenous people of Guam, have long fought for political independence from the United States Naval government. The struggle for self-determination continues after the passing of the Organic Act in 1950, which gave Chamorros a limited form of self-government, United States citizenship and transferred the power of the government from the Navy to the U.S. Department of Interior. Looking back to this part of history we can see that free association can give Guam cultural preservation a strong backbone, and the example fo the Guam



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