Greatwk – Machiavelli Niccolò Machiavelli
Essay by Pascal Vergel de Dios • February 18, 2019 • Course Note • 1,254 Words (6 Pages) • 1,030 Views
GREATWK – Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli
- 1469 – 1527
- Machiavelli was born in 15th Century Florence
- Banks controlled by Medici
- Questions were after the publication of the prince
Motivation for writing the book
1. To create an impression for Lorenzo de Medici
to be qualified to become part of the
government of Lorenzo de Medici
2. Chapter26
a. The writings of Machiavelli were super
passionate “it sounded like a speech”
b. Viroli said that Machiavelli wrote the prince
to unite/ inspire the people of Italy “the
Prince’s of Italy” to unite under one.
c. Shows his patriotism
3. Prof’s theory - Virtu and Fortuna; not the same
as descriptions of the human/ English language
a. Virtu
i. The positive traits of a person
ii. Meant ability of one to do things that are
almost “super human”
iii. Ability of man to get things done
- Ibsan – Tagalog/ to ease the pain – English
o An act of virtu “preventive maintenance”
- Fortuna
o Things you cannot control
▪ Ex: Earthquake
o Machiavelli – the same
- Prof doesn’t think it was written to be part of the
republic of Medici
Structure of the Text
- 5 Themes/ Major sections
1. Chapters 1-11: Taxonomy of the States;
Outlines of the States/ types of government
a. Outline of how states are governed,
situation of prince’s that he may find
himself in, in the context of God
2. Chapters 12-14: Military Affairs: Argues that
most important in statecraft is a strong military
3. Chapters 15-19: Princely Conduct
a. How a prince should conduct himself
4. Chapters 20-25: Situational Advice: Specific
Examples/ Situations on How to Act
a. How prince’s should act when it comes to a
5. Chapter 26: Exhortation (Not an analysis/
Rhetorical): Most important according to
biographer Viroli – The Culmination of the book
a. It was rhetorical
b. Meant to liberate from the foreign
influences (including the Vatican)
Machiavelli vs Aristotle
- Machiavelli:
o Explained through a scientific approach
o Comparative study of governments
▪ Used historical elements
o Father of Modern Political Science
o Opted that statesmen should only/just appear
- Aristotle
o Idea is that statesmen should be virtuous
Chapters 1-4
- Taxonomy of States
- Kinds of Principalities and the means that they are
acquired (Chapter 1)
- 2 Types
o Principalities
▪ Hereditary (chapter 2)
▪ Mixed Principalities (chapter 3)
▪ New Principalities (chapter 4)
▪ Why Alexanders successors were able to
keep possession of Darius’ kingdom
o Republics
▪ Within that country, they make laws
▪ Has a law-making body
Chapters 5: Governance of Free States
- 3 possibilities
o Ruin/ destroy
o Reside in person
PVDD 19’
o Permit self-rule
▪ They will serve you, but you respect their
- Oligarchic rule
Chapter 6: Acquisition of Principalities
- Principalities – region under control of a prince
o Best to gain thru ability or virtu
o Principalities – Principalia – Principe
- Machiavelli said best is to gain it through virtu
Chapter 7: Principalities Acquired through arms and
- Key distinction: Plundering vs governing
o Plundering
▪ whoever wins takes everything
▪ Winner takes all
▪ Women were included as part of the
- Prince must be shrewd