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Good Man

Essay by   •  November 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  419 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,905 Views

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He was a good man who always knew how to make me happy. When I was down in the dumps, he knew how to cheer me up. He would take me riding in that little red wagon of his that was attached to his riding mower. Rain, snow, or shine, I was in that little red wagon. That person was my grandpa.

My grandpa taught me good ways of life. He taught me to go to church and to follow god. Every Sunday morning he would come to my house and wake me up and help me put on one of my little dresses.

Another thing my grandpa would do is protect me. If my parents would yell at me or try to spank me, then he would not let them. He would say, "You don't whoop that kid."

He also made me feel important. One day he went to McDonalds and got all of his grandkids a happy meal. But he forgot one for me. So he drove all the way back to Danville to get me one.

There was also something else that I liked that he would always go get me. Sherbet Push Pops. He would always go to Cross Roads Market and get me one. Those things tasted so good. But there was one thing he didn't like to do with me. That was clean me up after I finished up the thing.

I could always trust my grandpa with my secrets. I could tell him anything like one time I told him about how I did something wrong and he didn't tell my parents. He did the right thing and convinced me to tell my parents. I didn't get in so much trouble because I told them.

My grandpa also made me feel important. He would compliment me. He would also say, "Well, don't you look good today April!" he would also tuck me into bed at night and he would read me a story. My favorite story is "The Three Little Pigs". No matter how many times I wanted to hear that story, he would read it.

But one day all that stuff ended when he died. No more stories late at night, no more sherbet push pops, nothing. My whole world was ruined. His death had a big impact on my life. It made me take my days and enjoy them to the fullest. And to never disrespect your children and to follow God. When I get older, I will treat my children like he treated me.



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