Goals 2008 Affirmations
Essay by Nicolas • June 1, 2011 • Essay • 2,610 Words (11 Pages) • 2,090 Views
Goals 2008 Affirmations
You are a champion every day and in every way. You know it and everyone around you knows it. Today is one of those days when nothing can stand in your way!
When you need extra determination you've got it! When you need more energy and drive, you've got it! You've got the power to get it done and the patience to see it through.
No matter what the job or challenge may be you can do this, and you know you can. You're a goal setter and a goal achiever. You dream big dreams, you set big goals and you reach them.
You know that you can accomplish anything you choose and you refuse to let anything hold you back or stand in your way. You know that proper preparation is a secret of champions.
And you always prepare like a champion. You're focused on your goals. And you plan your day around them and they are always your priority. You keep your goals in front of you every day and you refuse to be distracted.
You're a remarkable person who refuses to accept defeat. You're unstoppable. Nothing can keep you from living your dream.
You know that persistence is the power behind all successful people and you are persistent. You will not be denied. When you meet an obstacle, you will go around it or over it, or under it or through it. You will not be stopped.
You have the power to be anything you set your mind to. You have the power to change yourself and the world around you. You have a choice about the way you feel and you choose to be happy today.
It s your choice and no one and no circumstance can take your choice away. You're exactly where you're supposed to be today.
Everything you've done in your life, every experience you've had, even the ones that seemed negative at the time, everything has served to prepared you to do what you are doing to become the great person you are becoming.
You don't hold any grudges or ill feelings towards anyone. You truly forgive it and forget it when others wrong you in anyway. You believe in your goals and dreams. You know that success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal or dream and you know that you are making progress every day. You're always in touch with your spiritual nature you k now that you're a spirit first and all of your strength comes through your spirit through the infinite source of all good. You are a person of action. You have learned to conquer procrastination by taking a small step in the direction of your goal. You know that any type of action at all gives you power and that power used over and over gives you momentum.
Every time you're tempted to procrastinate, you tell yourself that you're a person of action and you take a step, no matter how small you act, you can do this and you know you can.
You believe in you. You know that you've made mistakes in the past and you're a better stronger person because of them. You discovered their lessons and they are your secret power today.
You know that unfounded fear is really a lack of faith. You know that success lies on the other side of fear. So you have faith, you feel the fear and you do it anyway. You have conditioned yourself to respond to fear with action, because you've learned that when you do the thing you fear, the fear does disappear.
Only two things stand between you and what you want: the faith to believe, and the will to make it happen. You have the faith and you have the will. You can do this and you know you can.
You can do this and you know you can. You believe you can become anything you desire. You believe it, you see it, and you know it. You are becoming the person of your dreams. You know the state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind. You are a successful person. Most people do what they feel like doing. Successful people do what has to be done. You do whatever it takes and you do it NOW.
You choose to surround yourself with other champions, with people who have high self esteem, just like you. You're organized, excited and committed to your action plan. You end every day with a review of today and a plan for tomorrow.
You begin each day with your plan and you let your plan rather than circumstance plan your day. You are a champion every day and in every way. You know it and everyone around you knows it.
Today's one of those days when nothing can stand in your way. When you need extra determination you've got it! When you need more energy and drive, you've got it! You've got the power to get it done and the patience to see it through no matter what the job or challenge may be. You can do this and you know you can.
You're totally committed to your dream and you're living it every day. You deserve success as much as anyone else. And you know that the dream you live on the inside, will soon be seen by all on the outside.
You believe that you become the person you dream of and you know you are becoming that person that you have long dreamed to be. You dwell everyday on the vision of the person you are becoming and you find evidence everyday of your dream becoming a reality.
You don't let obstacles stop you. When you see obstacles your first response is to look for a way around it. You persist because you know that persistence is the single most important trait of all successful people. No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets, you're going to make it.
You're unstoppable. Your thoughts are always positive and cheerful. When you feel old negative thoughts trying to sneak in, you remind yourself that you've made a choice. You choose to dwell on what is right, what is good and what is in harmony with your dream. You control the thoughts you choose. No thought at any time, can dwell on your mind without your approval or permission.
You commit only to those responsibilities which you know you can fulfill. You know that sometimes it's important to say no instead of taking on a responsibility that you shouldn't. You allow no one at any time to assume control or responsibility over your life or anything that you do. You're a champion. You like who you are. You like who you're becoming and you feel good about yourself.
Although you always work to improve yourself and you get better every day, you like who you are today. You are one of a kind. In the entire history of the world, there's