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Genogram Elainna Nazzario

Essay by   •  April 20, 2016  •  Essay  •  1,780 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,424 Views

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The Index Family includes Rebecca (age 9, 2nd born), Christopher (age 10, 1st born), Teresa (age 32, 2nd born) and Nicholas (age 37, 2nd born). Both parents are currently employed. The father has earned an Associate’s Degree and works as a Pharmacy Technician. The mother works as a cosmetologist and has earned a Trade Certificate.

Nicholas’ oldest sister is Marcella (age 38, 1st born), she has earned a Bachelors and works as a nurse alongside her husband Darren (age 41), who has the same credentials. Both Marcella and Darren have three children including Isabella (age 6, 3rd born), Ciara (age 7, 2nd born), and Renee (age 9, 1st born). Darren’s younger brother’s name is Antony (age 36, 3rd born), he has earned a Bachelor’s and works as a business consultant. Antony’s wife is named Melissa (age 35), she is a homemaker with a H.S. Diploma, she helps raise their two children Lisa (age 10, 2nd born) and Angela (age 12, 1st born). Darren’s youngest brother is Pete (age 35, 4th born), he has completed some high school and is currently unemployed with no children nor wife. Nicholas’ mother Angela (age 42), worked as an accountant with her H.S. Diploma, she is now deceased. Nicholas’ widowed father Luis (age 55) is a business owner with some high school education, he remarried to Pauletta (age 49) who works secretary with some high school education as well.

Teresa’s older sister is Nancy (age 34, 1st born), she has earned a Bachelors and works as a social worker, she is unmarried with no children. Teresa’s younger brother is Larry (age 31, 3rd born), he works as a salesman with some high school education. Larry was previously married and now divorced to Alyssa (age 26). Alyssa has completed her H.S. Diploma and now works as a secretary, raising their two children Mason (age 5, 2nd born) and Troy (age 6, 1st born). Teresa’s father is Larry (age 56), he has earned a H.S. diploma and works as a carpenter. Teresa’s mother is Patricia (age 54), she is a Homemaker, having earned a G.E.D.

Notable roles include Teresa who acts as the caretaker of her daughter Rebecca, who was diagnosed with Autism. Nicholas keeps himself distant from the children because he is overwhelmed as a father. Teresa experiences verbal abuse from her husband but manages to act as a counselor to her overwhelmed and depressed older sister Nancy. Teresa’s sister Nancy assumes the role of caretaker for their mother who was diagnosed with cancer. Teresa’s father is an angry alcoholic. Teresa’s younger brother Larry is a deadbeat father who engages in drug abuse and was previously in a toxic relationship with his ex-wife. This leave Teresa’s sister-in-law, Terry’s ex-wife, Alyssa, to care for their children as a single mom.

Nicholas holds anger against his now deceased mother Angela, who died of alcoholism. Nicholas began drinking alcohol heavily about 5 years ago, it really escalated 3 years ago when he began to no longer come home at night, he was simultaneously having multiple extramarital affairs. Now, Nicholas reports not having a drink for just over 1 year. Nicholas is distrustful of his youngest brother Pete. Pete is an alcoholic. After brother Antony found one of Pete’s prescription medication bottles, Pete revealed to the family he has tested positive for AIDS. Nicholas’ brother Pete attempts to extract money from his father and brother Antony to feed his alcoholism and risky lifestyle. While Nicholas’ father’s wife Pauletta does not mind, Nicholas’ brother’s wife Melissa is jealous of her husband giving money to Pete so often, in fact she separated from the marriage because of the issue. Nicholas has a very close relationship with his father Luis and older sister Marcella. Marcella and the rest of her family, except Renee, focus their attention on Isabella because of her autistic behaviors, this leaves Renee feeling jealous for attention.

Rebecca is best friends with her cousin Renee. Although Rebecca herself has been diagnosed with autism, it is not nearly as severe as her cousin Isabella. Renee may not even know that her cousin Rebecca has a diagnosis of autism. Christopher is well behaved for his mother but refuses to spend time with his father. Christopher does not want to feel abandoned if he gets reattached to father and dad leaves again. Christopher fears his father will leave and never come back. Nicholas was able to reconnect with his daughter Rebecca very easily and strongly desires to spend time with his son Christopher too.

Nicholas enjoys spending time over his father’s house when his sister also visits. Nicholas expressly enjoys spending time with his children at the park and taking them to the movie theatre. Teresa enjoys spending time with her children apart from her husband most of the time, although the couple does have fun together some of the time. Teresa likes to talk with her sister on the phone, watch television shows with her son, and supervise play dates between her daughter Rebecca and niece Renee. Christopher enjoys watching youtube videos, playing soccer and tricking his sister. Rebecca loves to spend time with her cousin Renee at the bounce house and time with mom shopping.

For years the decisions in the family were made by Nicholas, but now decisions are made primarily by Teresa. Starting



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