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Gardner Intelligence Paper

Essay by   •  September 15, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  766 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,610 Views

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Gardner Intelligence Paper

Over the years intelligence has come to be familiar with resourceful, and ethically defined. According to Kowalski and Westen (2011). Intelligence is the understanding of mental skills and the individuals understanding to hold information, to be a problem solver, and gather deadlines that are treasured by individuals or your culture. (Kowalski,2011). As you continue to read, the different approaches to intelligence, particularly Gardner's theory of numerous types of intelligence, also you will understand how the intelligence can impact an individual's life.

Over the past years there have been many different approaches that have tried to be the definition for intelligence. These different approaches consist of psychometric approach, information processing approach, and the theory of multiple intelligences. Within my paper my main focus will be on the theory of different intelligences that are normally used when problems are being solved. Gardner's theory of different intelligences is an absolutely different approach has enlarged the outlook on how intelligence is thought about. Basic intelligence tests measure the kind of intellectual skills that promote accomplishments in schools. Whereas Gardner's theory has the ability to measure practical intelligence, which is the ability to combine their plans into their life experiences, and emotional intelligence, is the ability to read people's emotions and use one's own emotional responses.

The deciding factors on the type of criteria used by Gardner when choosing the eight different intelligences are of their separate forms, the first criteria used was whether a specific intelligence could be isolated neuropsychological. People having multiple neural modules, which contributes to the reasons hind people having multiple intelligences, therefore each module has its own set of rules and regulations. Stated by Kowalski and Westen (2011) the next form of criteria used in deciding intelligences was the life of savants and or prodigies that have talents in certain fields. Savants are labeled as individuals with amazing skills than others. An example of savant would be one that is in possession of extreme ability as a musician but lacked in all other areas. Prodigies are people with extra ordinary skills and in early developing genius in one area but normal in others. Another example of prodigy could be a child that is able to skip grades in school.

My final criteria I used in selecting intelligence is the different developmental courses from a person childhood to adulthood, also since one field may develop more faster or slowly than others, it only shows that this can support the notion of multiple intelligences. Out of Gardner there were eight multiple intelligence. I will be choosing three to discuss in my paper, which are linguistic, logical mathematical, and intrapersonal. As I stated



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