Food Nutrition Health
Essay by Woxman • April 1, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,439 Words (6 Pages) • 1,576 Views
Question 1
On September 22nd, 2009, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) at released an article regarding the direct link between drinking soda and the resulting issue of obesity (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). This article, "Study shows possible link between soda and obesity", discusses a study performed by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). What they discovered was a strong correlation between soda consumption and weight in California (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). The researchers found that, regardless of income or ethnicity, adults drinking one or more sodas a day were 27% more likely to be obese than those that didn't drink sodas (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009).
In a research studying calorie consumption in the American diet, people have consumed 278 more calories per day in the past 30 years, but their activity levels have remained unchanged (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). One of the biggest factors in this change in diet is an increase in soda consumption - it accounts for as much as 43% of the new 278 calories consumed (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). In addition, 41% of children 2-11 years old are now drinking at least one sweetened beverage or soda a day (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). 62% of adolescents, 12-17 year-olds, are drinking one or more soda a day - this means consuming 39lbs of sugar a year solely from sodas and sweetened beverages (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). This population is also the biggest consumer group of sodas, representing over 2 million youths in itself (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009).
Executive Director of the CCPHA, Harold Goldstein, is an author of this study (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). He believes that this research and data on soda consumption is a very conclusive proof for the link between soda consumption and obesity (Institute of Food Technologists, 2009). I also believe the research conducted provides convincing proof. A constant increase in sugar consumption causing obesity makes perfect sense - especially when physical activities are not increasing to balance the calorie intake. However, I believe it is also important to recognize whether diets excluding soda intake have been constant. If this is not proved, it is hard to say whether soda is the cause of obesity. 43% of extra calories consumed are a result of soda intake, but what about the other 57%? It might be that there are other food products that are helping cause obesity. The article is not clear when discussing this point.
It is alarming that such a high population of youth is consuming at least a soda a day. I am interested what the results would be if this research is conducted on a broader perspective, such as across the entire North America instead of just in California.
Question 2
a) In the list of ingredients of a low-fat product, the name "modified milk ingredients" is actually referring to a whey protein concentrate (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
b) The five taste sensations are sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
c) The carbohydrate extracted from seaweed commonly used in chocolate milk to keep the chocolate particles in suspension is carrageenan (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
d) Aspartame is a methyl ester of dipeptide composed of these two amino acids: phenylalanine and aspartic acid (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
e) This fat-based fat substitute is an ester of sucrose and 6-8 fatty acids that yield 0Cal/g: Olestra or Olean (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
f) This term describes the availability of water for microbial growth and chemical or enzymatic reactions, and is defined as the ratio of vapour pressure of water in the food versus pure water: water activity (aw) (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
g) This is the primary sugar found in the nectar collected by honey bees: sucrose (Skura, B., Li-Chan, E., Liceaga, A., 2009).
h) Trans-fat can be generated during this type of processing of vegetable oils: hydrogenation (Schneeman, B.O., 1986).
Question 3
Proteins play an important role in food dispersions. In Colloidal Dispersions, particles of a substance are scattered, or dispersed, in another substance without dissolving (Skura,