Final Paper
Essay by Tawnya • November 12, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,979 Words (8 Pages) • 1,604 Views
Choices and decisions impact ones everyday life. Is a homosexuality marriage correct? Many will argue no, because it is biblically wrong. In my case I find it to be the choice of the person. Their marriage will not impact our lives in any way. Love comes in different forms such as lust, religion based, and sometimes unconditional love. It should not matter if it marriage is with a partner of the same sex or the opposite sex. If one finds love in the same sex what makes it so wrong to pursue. I believe that it is the right of a person if they want to marry a partner of the same sex. It is time that society becomes more accepting of homosexuals and their right to love just the same as you and I.
If someone were to ask me if I thought Homosexuals should be allowed to marry, I would say definitely. Allowing same sex marriage will give gay couples access to rights such as inheritance, health coverage, and adoption. Same sex couples should be allowed to have access to marriage benefits just like any other couple. It is not fair for society to shun gays. I feel that we should all be accepting to their lifestyles. Homosexuality is not any different than a normal couple. Love has no boundaries and is controlled by what ones feels inside their hearts.
According to CPA "Allowing same sex-couples to marry would give them access to social support that already facilitates and strengthens heterosexual marriages, with all of the psychological and physical health benefits associated with that support."(Choudhury,2011)
Same sex couples do not have access to their mate's health insurance unless they are married. Even if they have lived together for decades they still cannot receive any of the assets their mate has. One thing that baffles me is the fact that societies is accepting of two girls being together, but are totally disgusted in the fact that two guys are in a domesticated relationship.
The concept of same sex marriage is not hard to understand, but the implication of the act is hitting America hard right now. Americans struggle to understand and make the right decisions about whether same sex marriage should be legal. Many are against it because it is wrong in the religious aspect. Marriage has been a deep root in religion and the vows are sacred. The people that control religion have traditionally controlled the sanction of marriage. Religion damns homosexuality and they refuse to sanction a union that they do not agree with.
Recognizing same sex marriage allows homosexuals to have open loving relationships that are the same as a traditional married couple. Same sex marriage does not impact our everyday lives. Allowing homosexuals to have a committed long term relationship strengthens our society and will not destroy traditional marriage. According to the New Tribune "
We are coming to a crossroad where we are faced with the prospect of opening up the possibility of recognizing another bond. Another family structure, which has been with us for as long as there has been families." (Landry, 2012) Many argue against allowing gays to marry because they feel we need to protect the institution of marriage. Even though many people get married out of love it is not the only reason. If gay marriage impacts our everyday lives then why don't people who marry for money impact our everyday lives. I personally believe that divorce causes a lot more damage to families than gay marriage. If we want to protect the values of marriage, than we should outlaw divorce.
In the United States, civil marriage is governed by the state law. Each state has the right to set the conditions for valid marriages. It is subjects to limits that are set by the states constitution as well as the U.S. Constitution. Marriage was traditionally considered valid if the requirements of the marriage law of the state were fulfilled. Gay marriage has been legalized in eight US states. The states are Maryland, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, and Washington. Thirty one of the fifty states still have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage.
According to Pizer "California has the nation's largest and most racially diverse gay and lesbian population, and has played a prominent role in the modern gay marriage debate." (Pizer, 2010) Proponents still argue that same sex couples should have access to the same marriage benefits and public acknowledgment that is enjoyed by heterosexual couples. Prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. This issue is highly personal to both sides and causes a lot of controversy. Religious people are intolerant and hateful to those who are gay, bisexual, as well as transgendered people. Even if gay marriage does not become legal gays are still going to exist.
Gay marriage should be legal, it is not right to tell someone how to live their life. Everyone deserves to be happy. We claim to have equal rights but yet we shun those who are different. How is allowing two people of the same sex to marry going to affect the whole world? It is not going to affect anyone except the two people that are getting married. Just because our nation observes religion does not make it the law. The Bible talks about killing being wrong yet we have wars and kill people using the death penalty.
Homosexuality is a sin and should not be allowed to become legal because we are one nation under God. Sin is anything that is not pleasing in Gods eyes. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. God created a man and woman so they could produce more offspring. It takes a woman to produce a child not a man and that is why he made a man and a women. He did not create two men because they were not capable of producing a child. Its Gods law that we need to abide by, not the laws of man.
Homosexuality is discussed several times in the Bible and has historically been interpreted as condemning the