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Fast Fashion

Essay by   •  December 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  469 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,400 Views

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In a survey sample of 30 people, 76% people have heard the term Fast fashion, out of which 30% are in favour of it.

The survey shows mixed opinions on the subject.

While people are aware of the concept of Fast Fashion and the brands endorsing it, they are unaware of the several effects of it, both economically and environmentally.

Even when made aware about the effects of fast fashion on the environment, people do not seem to change their opinion on the subject. Even on knowing the effects, a lesser percentage is ready to change their style of clothing for the environmental causes.

In spite of re-using their old clothes in a creative manner, the race for fast fashion does not slow down as it just add to the volume, with reusing the old clothes in a creative way and buying new ones also.

Out of the survey sample of 30, maximum people spend Rs. 500-1000 on an average in a month. It shows that these people are the ones who actually follow this concept of fast fashion f buying lesser priced clothes and often.

When asked about the Slow Fashion Style of clothing, only 43% people out of a total of 30 are aware of the term, which is much lesser when compared to the popularity of Fast Fashion. When asked whether they are interested in it, there was a mixed equal response of yes and no.

When asked whether Slow Fashion is a better option than Fast Fashion, 41% says 'maybe'. When asked whether it will take over Fast Fashion,60% says maybe, 23.3 % can't say and 16.7 % say yes.

The survey concludes that majority people are negligent toward the harmful effects of fast fashion on the environment and are running in the race for clothes, falling prey to this tool used by brands for profit.

Some people are aware of the concept of Slow Fashion and would like to adopt it for the cause of contributing in reducing the harmful effects but some people just want to adopt it to be creative.

Slow Fashion can grow if people are educated about it but it will not take over Fast Fashion in the near future.


* Government or any other body made to check on the production rate of the brands endorsing Fast Fashion.

* To set a maximum amount( in nos.) that can be produced in an year and serious steps to be taken if this is not followed.

* To set up a quality scale for all these brands which has to be followed while bulk production. Any product below the quality standards should not be allowed to be sold.

* People to be made aware about this Fast Fashion scenario and the harmful effects attached to it.

* People



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